~°•Problem Not So Solved•°~

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Just got inspired to write and I think I have the ending in mind.
So I'm assuming there's a couple chapters left, but yeah.



Once my soul had returned to my body, and my brain resumed functioning, Zayn had slammed the door, Liam had rung Paul and Louis was taking me outside to explain the message. I felt my heart drop.

"Ashley, who is CreepyMcgee?" He asked, seating me on one of the chairs outside and speaking softly. "The nickname I gave to the creep messaging me." I explained honestly, feeling terrible.

Louis scrolled through the texts and read well, I presume everything. I thought he'd be mad at me for hiding it, be infuriated that I didn't say something or like, talk to one of them. But I was not so pleasantly surprised to look up and see tears in his eyes. "Lou?" I asked, my throat starting to hurt from a lump forming quite suddenly.

"Whe-" he cleared his throat. "When did this start." He choked out, trying so desperately to hold back the tears. "A bit after we met Sabrina and Chloe." I spoke, tears streaming my face. "Why are you so upset over this?" I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, wonder taking over me rather then anything else, I mean, why is he so upset?

"Because I love you, no one deserves this, especially not you." He sucked in some air and the tears fell. I went and hugged him. He placed my phone on the table and held me tightly, breathing raggedly next to my ear. "We'll find them, we'll end this." Louis said to me, his voice determined, he would of sounded scarier had has voice not cracked in the middle of it.

"I love you Ashley." His words were solid and meaningful. "I love you too Louis." I returned, pulling away to place a quick kiss on his nose and giggle, red in the face and puffy eyed. Louis looked almost the same and I was glad to see that this wasn't a huge problem, what was the problem was the fucking press outside.

Almost on queue, the sound of Paul bounding down the hallway and sorting out the whole ordeal was pretty quick, moving people away and telling them off, explaining to the boys to stay inside.

Once that was out of the way, another problem cropped up, the boys were asking why we were crying. So, we had to tell them too.

And that was the story of how I died.
Sorry, Niall and I watched tangled yesterday. Anyway.
So at this point, everyone knew about Mr creepface and all that jazz. Liam said he'd look after my phone, Niall stayed with Louis and I to keep calm and then Harry went with Zayn to buy me a New phone.

I told them they didn't have to but Harry insisted, so there we go.


The press has been shoved to the next floor, I have a new phone and we were just watching another movie. We didn't have anything on yet. The boys only had a concert again tomorrow and just after that we left for another place.

I was honestly amazed by it all yet still slightly scared. Too many things could go wrong, yet so many things could go right too. I don't know anymore but that's okay.

I sat next to Louis on the couch, his arm snaked around my waist and my head resting on his shoulder. Louis was helping me put in the boys' numbers and renaming them all to his liking. So basically I had this:
Zayn= Vogue M
Louis= LouBear

I smiled at him and then decided to add my own twist on them.
Zayn=Vogue M🎶

It was Louis' turn to laugh. "Alright then." he chuckled. I smiled at his laugh and looked up, meeting the four other boys.
"We're going out now, you guys want anything?" Liam offered. I shook my head. "Not really." I shifted my gaze to Louis. "Nope, I'm good." he gave a cute, cheeky grin and we moved along.

Now that it was just Louis and I, he laid his head on my lap while I stroked his head lovingly, playing with his hair and twirling it in my fingers. "You're so beautiful." he spoke suddenly. I couldn't help but blush. "You're too sweet Lou, you're my gorgeous little sweetLoubear." I giggled, ruffling his hair a bit. Louis rolled his eyes playfully and stared into my eyes. I got lost in those eyes, my heart melting.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your voice." I said whistfilly. I could practically feel Louis grin. "You have before, and everytime I'm down you'll sing to me and remind me of how nice my voice is. You do that a lot, it's kind of cute." I giggled and kissed his forehead.

He did the same to me and the night faded away.


The room was rushed around us. It was the boys' last day here and they were screwing around -as per usual- causing everyone else to run around and try get things ready for the show that they were undoubtedly very unready for.

Niall was sassing around the place. Liam was trying on fourteen different outfits. Harry was toying with Paul, Zayn was getting his hair done completely topless and Louis was trying to annoy everyone as much as possible. Poking Liam, fiddling with Zayn's hair and sassing about with Niall.

I on the other hand was seated with Lux while Lou did Zayn's hair. I loved how sweet and cute Lux was, especially how well the boys handled her. I couldn't help it when my mind went to the fact that Louis would be a good father. (Yes I know about Freddie, this is a fanfic)

Within twelve minutes, the boys were dressed and ready to go on stage, earphones in and microphones in hand. I still have no idea how the backstage crew manage to do that. Let alone control Louis.

Long story short, the show was awesome and everyone had a lot of fun.

~WOOSH long ass time skip because I forget things and I want the story to continue. WOOSH!~

Tour just finished and We were in the last hotel before we all went our separate ways for the break in about a week. I was planning on staying, mostly with Louis but also visiting Niall and Harry when I can. Zayn and Liam decided to get a movie or two for us to just relax and enjoy while Niall, Harry and Louis all found the time to write, play video games and bake some bread -Which was delicious, thank you Harry.

In regards to CreepyMcgee, the messages have slowed a lot, my social media is a little crowed but not as badly thankfully. "Hello." Louis huffed as he fell into the seat beside me, pulling me from my thoughts. "Hey Lou." I smiled and felt his arm snake around my waist, so I instinctively placed my head on his shoulder. The moment was silent, loving and long overdue, so naturally they had to ruin it. My phone buzzed violently in my pocket so we both reluctantly pulled apart so I could answer the call. "Hey, Ash." It was Liam. I pulled my phone away from my ear and put it on speaker so Louis could hear too. "Yeah?" 

"Okay, so we just ran into Sabrina and Chloe, they thought that maybe we could all go out to the movies instead in getting movies, does everyone sound up to it?" I bit my lip and sent a questioning look in Louis direction. He pulled his lips into a 'Eh, possibly' sort of smile and shrugged. "Hang on Li." I called into the phone before handing it to Louis and going off to find Niall and Harry. 

They were outside on the patio, eating scones and talking. I almost felt bad for disturbing their peaceful moment. I tapped on the glass before pulling myself through the door to talk. "What's up Ash?" because of Niall's accent the words lightly hooked as they left his lips. "Liam was asking if it would be cool if we all went to the movies with Sabrina and Chloe." as soon as their names were mentioned their eyes lit up. "Yep." Harry agreed. "Sounds good to me." Niall grinned. I nodded to them before walking back towards Louis, smiling to myself.

I think that's it for now. I'm doing my best to try get back on track with everthing so hopefully that works out well.

Shit be hectic at the moment so yep.

Wait. wait. wait.

I just noticed over 600 reads. THAT IS FUCKING INSANE. thank you so so so much.

Love you all💙💙
Stay awesome my friends and I'll see you all in the next chapter!


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