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Hello my friends!
I won't keep you with an authers note, all I'll say is that I hope you enjoy the chapter and that you're well.

Lastly, I added another book on my works, used for little updates and whatnot, so go check that out, and yeah, have fun!



So, morning in the hotel is kind of hectic, let me explain why:

Harry and Zayn won't get out of bed, Niall is ringing the room service number for the third time and Liam is trying to stop Louis from putting those little tomato sauce (Ketchup) packs under the toilet seat as a prank. Oh yeah, and along with this is it's practically five am.

I say practically because it's still slightly dark and I have no concept of time right now. I'm literally standing in the kitchen listening to this huge ruckus that is most likely going to end badly. "Louis!" I hear Liam shout from the bathroom, then a loud bang. "Fuck," I mutter and quickly make my way over.

Louis is standing by the toilet, just staring down. I follow his gaze to Liam who is lying on the floor, covered in tomato sauce and red marks. "What the hell happened!" I half yell, trying to help Liam up. "Louis happened." Liam sighed, sitting on the end of the empty bath tub. "Boys!" a rough voice calls. Jesus Christ, it's a little parade now isn't it.

One of the security guys walk in, take a good, slow look at all three of us, and walk out. I'm pretty sure I heard him mutter "Nope." on the way out. Honestly I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to just stand there. "What time is the concert?" Louis asked Liam as he casually lent against the sink. "Around nine I believe, so we're gonna leave here at around half past eight and go around preparing for it."

We nodded and went our separate ways. So we all just wondered off to our various bathrooms and got cloths to change into. All that could be heard throughout the room were the sounds of showers, cupboards and them fooling around once we were done.

Louis was dressed in dark ripped jeans, a white shirt and some toms, his hair was the same tousled mess it always is that always looks great. I wish I had his hair.

Niall was wearing a grey shirt with a black over shirt and some jeans along with his normal shoes. His hair was brushed up and fixed in a neat manner, so that cool.

Harry was in his casual, useless shirt, by that I mean it was a buttened up weird patterned shirt that wasn't even buttoned up to the top, he was rocking some boots and black skinny jeans and his hair was in perfect display.

Liam was wearing a white long sleeved shirt that has been rolled up, some dark jeans and boots too, his hair combed back flawlessly.

And lastly Zayn, rocking his 'Stay real' jumper and jeans, his badass shoes and that raven black hair rugged and amazing.

I was just wearing a white shirt with a denim coloured over shirt and black jeans along with some boots. My hair was tied back in a French plait and I was just slipping my phone into my pocket when Louis walked in.

"You ready love?" He asked me, snaking his arms around my waist. "Yeah Lou," I answered, turning my head as he rested his on my shoulder. "Common then." He whispered, removing his arm from my waist and grabbing my hand. He lead me from the room and we met the boys in the living room.

"We're going to hit Starbucks first then meet Lou at the stadium and get ready and all there." I nodded at the plan and they all stood from the sofas. "Let's go," Zayn stated, going to the door to meet Paul, us following suit.

The car ride was about to end when my phone stared buzzing. I pulled it out and answered the call. "Hello." I greeted.
Louis turned to look at me and mouthed me the question. 'Who is it?'
"Hey darling!" It was Louise. I smiled and continued, "Hey Lou," I said loudly -subtly telling Louis who it was-

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