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The room erupted in flames and Harry ushered me out just before the roof fell in on itself. He was burned around most parts of his body, his clothes were ripped and torn in places. Seeing him like this set my heart on edge. I was completely fine, which is what unnerved me.

We ran into the living room and he called out frantically for the others. Liam and Zayn answered, they sounded as if they were choking on heavy smoke. Then they appeared next to us. They were slightly burned but they seemed okay, though I couldn't say much for their clothes and or their lungs.  Niall on the other hand answered in cry's of pain and agony. My eyes widened in shock and horror. "Niall!" I yell into the chaos of the house and run toward the sound.
"Help!" it was Louis voice calling now. I stopped dead, IT was coming from the opposite direction of Niall. I had to choose. I had to fucking choose

Save my best friend.


Save my crush.

Lose it all or don't gain anything.

I convinced Harry to go after Louis and I ran toward the sound of Nialls voice. Yet it as in vain.
The closer I got.
The farther he sounded.
I was choking on the smoke that was now surrounding me.
Struggling to breath I found Niall.
He was burned horribly and he was trapped. Flaming logs all around him.

I cried out for him and tried to get close but the flames kept me at bay.
I began crying. Screaming. Anything.

"Ashley!" a voice urged, "Ash, wake up!" my eyes snapped open and I was breathing hard.
I was still in the same clothes.
Still in bed. I looked down.
The bangles covered the cuts still, that was a slight relief.
The light in my room was on and the windows were subsequently darker.
I looked up. Meeting Harry's eyes.
Those emerald orbs were fixed on me in concern. "Are you alright?"
"You were having a terrible dream." he said.
I swallowed and realized I was crying. I wiped my eyes and sat up.

"Y-you're right. It was a t-terrible dream." I croaked.
"What happened?" he asked softly.
I looked down then back at him. I pulled the covers up to my chest and made sure to cover my arm. I then retold the nightmare. Stuttering and stopping slightly.
Watching my friends get hurt before me and not being able to help made me feel worse. He engulfed me in a hug when I finished.
"It was just a dream, okay? We're all fine. Unharmed."

My first thought was non-vocally possible to explain:
Speak. For yourself.
I shrugged as a response and took comfort in the hug. I'm not sure how or why but it was warm. It made me feel. Whats the word.

Then he let go.
And that feeling melted. I swallowed and asked him, "What's the time?"
He didn't even look around he just told me flat. "Its 4 in the morning."
I faltered, then voiced my question,
"What are you doing up then?"
He copied my actions from before and shrugged. "Eh, needed the bathroom, on the way back I heard crying. I found you having a nightmare. Boom. Here."
I nodded. "Alright."

"As long as you're okay?" he smiled. "Just making sure that my little sister is alright."
Great. Now I feel worse. "Well I'm awesome." I lied flatly.
He nodded again and was about to leave when I grabbed his arm.
"Please stay." I whispered.
He smiled and climbed into the bed.
I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

His breathing became uneasy.
I know Harry. I have known him for four years. So ultimately I knew when something was bugging him.
"Haz. What's wrong?" I asked softly.
He moved slightly and I moved too. We were laying on our arms, facing each other. My right hand was in my hair holding up my head. I kept my left to my side and looked into Harry's eyes.

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