~°·No One Is Ever 100% Busy·°~

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I sat in a cab. Tears still streming my face. The phone rang a good few times before Greg answered.
"H-hey, how are you." I spoke into the phone, practically  feeling Greg's demoneor change.
"Ashley. You've lived with us for god knows how long. What's wrong." I sucked up my sobs just long enough to eplain the situation. "Oh my god Ashley. Okay. Book a flight out here and we'll get a room set up for you. You can stay as long as you need to." I smiled very softly.
"Thank you so much Greg."

"Always Ashley."

"I'll see you in some time." I bid him. "You too, stay safe." with that I hung up and asked the taxi driver to take me to the closest airport.

The only reason I called Greg is because he's the only person I could of called. I have no other friends or family except for Niall's family.

The plane ride was uneventful. I sat next to two people, a couple who have been married for six years and there was a child in front of me. I got a whole new playlist and did my best to ignore everyone with my music. It took all my will power not to sob hysterically on the plane, at the airport, and everwhere else. Everyhting reminded me of him and I wanted it gone. I

wanted the memories gone. Everything.

When we touched down I got a phone call.
I ended the call without a second glance and turned it off while I waited for Greg to come fetch me, like he promised.

-two weeks later-

I was still a mess, but a moving on mess to say the least. I had gotten a job at a nice resturant and it was working out quite well. I got recognised or told I looked 'familer' to some people. That was probably the worst of it.

After a while I told Greg I didn't want to burden him and Theo and his wife any longer so I got a small flat and they checked up on me to make sure I was good. I haven't spoken to anyone other then them and the customers for the last two weeks. After that whole event I sort of went a bit mute. Talking took too much effort. My self harm had reached a different level on my thighs, not arms. Nothing too bad but it happened, and by that I meant I hadn't been hospitalized yet.
The pain I felt in my chest was incomprehensible but I ignored it day and night.
I made a vow to myself.

To be okay today, to smile and do it again the next week, and decide to be okay the week after too because that's all I can do.

Yeah yeah yeah it's a supernatural quote. But it kept me going so there.
I wasn't sure what else to do so I just did that. I've taken up painting and it seems to be okay. At least I can do that.

Life gets hard sometimes and with them being two weeks into their break I can't listen to the radio or anything without bursting into tears, they play their songs quite often.
I still cry a lot at night sometimes but it's getting better.

I'm getting better.

That was until I got a message on my phone from Niall that said
"Please just listen." seconds later there was a ring at my door.
I was confused to shit so I looked through the little glass hole in the door to see who it was.


I didn't answer. He didn't exist.

I just went to my kitchen to get the kettle boiling for tea. I then got a ten minute long voice note from Harry. If it was anyone else I wouldn't of looked at it. So I got earphones and sat down. I pressed play and listened. Ignorant to the saddened man outside on my doorstep.

"Ashely. Please just listen to me. Please. You're like a little sister to me and you need to hear me out for a sec here."

"Ten minutes is a long ass second." I muttered to myself.

"Louis wasn't lying. And he never would. We just found out exactly what happened and came immidetly. Sabrina and Eleanor have been working on this plan for months now. They drugged Louis at the Carnival event. That video. Louis wasn't drunk or anything.
Nothing what so ever.
He was completely drugged and out of it. His mind was elsewhere. Thankfully he didn't have any bad side effects to the drug.
This was all a scam. Please just listen here. Around the time you get this Louis should be at your door.
Greg told Niall.
I love you so much.
We love you so much. Though to say the least here Ash, none of us could ever love you as much as Louis does. He's been shattered for the last two weeks.
He's barely eaten. His humor has nearly died. And he looks terrible."

Right there I swear my heart nearly stopped. He. He was shattered. And I couldn't even give him the time of day.

"He misses you horribly and I'm so sure you do too. Please."

The message ended and I was in tears.
Oh my little Lou bear. I ran to the door and opened it. Louis was sitting there on my front porch, red faced and covered in tears. I pulled him up into a hug.

"I'm so so so sorry I never let you explain Louis. I'm so sorry." Louis just sobbed into my shoulder and we stood there. Hugging each other into oblivion. World war three could be going on right now and I wouldn't care. I dragged him inside and hugged him more.

"I love you Ashley." he said. His voice cracked. "I love you too."

"Are we good." he asked softly. I nodded. "Yes yes we Are Louis. Just shhh." I kissed his face all over. He was a lot thinner then he was last time I saw him. Bags under his gorgeous eyes and he was a total mess. "Come. Lets get some food in you my lovely."
I sat him in the living room with a blanket and made him some hot chocolate. Ireland is cold as all hell. Well. That's ironic.

He thanked me and sipped it gently as I went back to the kitchen to just make some nachoes and muffins.

I put on a simple movie -which just happened to be 'Boss baby' and one of the  characters looked like him. To see Louis smile again warmed my heart. I missed him so so much. When food was ready I brought it through for him and he took it gratefully. "You didn't need to do all this." he told me.

"I didn't need to, but I love you so I did."

He smiled softly. I felt kind of bad because I had done this to him. This was all me. His not eating. His crappy look. All of it. Because of me.

"Whoa. Ash. No." his voice pulled me back to reality. "What?" I asked. His eyes focused on me and he breathed slowly. "I know that look. I thought of that look a lot and I finally know exactly what it means." he started, he rubbed his face with his hands quickly. Drawing attention to his disheveled hair. "I know because I saw that in the mirror for the last two weeks. You're blaming yourself. Please don't." I swallowed hard and hugged him very quickly.




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