~°•Sorting Things Out•°~

28 1 0

Dum da da!
Next chapter.
Things may be a bit slow due to the fact that I am still deciding on something so yeah. But... just remember. They have tour in like. four days so yes. Any who.
I hope you enjoy the story as always and I hope you have a lovely day.



Upon arriving home we heard a huge noise from the kitchen. Oh god.
"Boys!" Dani called.
The noise died.
Dispite my pain I smile. Wow.
"Yes Dani." Liams voice pipes from the kitchen. I watch her suppress a smile of her own. Just then he pops out of the kitchen. He is a mess. Flour everywhere and what I believe to be eggs in his hair.
He rubs the back of his neck. "Hi."

"What happened?" Dani asked, placing her hands on her hips.
"Well the boys wanted to make a cake and some snacks for the party and a.."
He tried explaining.
"Mmmhmm," Dani nodded.
"And he's meant to be the responsible one!" Louis called from behind the kitchen door. We all laughed.
Well, them more than me.

I had one thing on my mind.

"Clean up please." Dani instructed Liam who in turn nodded and went in for a hug. She shied away from his grasp but he hugged her anyway. She gave me a look and I smiled slightly.
I was looking for an excuse to leave because the sight was cute yet made me feel worse.
Lou doesnt care. He is having fun without me. He always has.
I was just a toy.
"I'll go put the dresses away." I said with a shake of my head.

"Alright." the others agreed. I grabbed the dresses and ran upstairs.
I left their dresses in the correct room on the bed before slamming my door behind me and hanging the dress in my cupboard.
I removed my shoes and sat crosslegged on the bed and put my head in my hands.
I began to cry.
She's right.
Maybe he was using me.
He was my book.
I was his chapter.

I looked over to my dresser.

You promised. My mind reminded me. Yes. I did.
But that's not important now.

My vision was obscured by tears.
My mind obscured by thoughts.
Why would he play me.
I guess I'm just that kind of person.
My legs lead my to the dresser.

I was about to open the dresser when Harry came in. "Ashley?"
I whipped round. Shocked.
"Ashley you weren't." his voice cracked. I fell to my knees.
Harry ran over to me. I didn't care that he was messy.
He engulfed me in a hug and I cried into his chest. "Ashley. What happened love."
"Ask Dani please. I-I can't ta-talk."
He nodded and cuddled me.
"I'll call Niall okay, he will stay here with you while I talk to Dani, alright?"
I nodded and he tightened the hug before letting go and leaving.

I sat there shaking and crying until Niall came in. "Oh my god, Ash." he did the same thing Harry did.
"Hey, what ever happened it will be okay."
No. It won't.
I wanted to scream at him and tell him that one of his best friends lied to me.
Cheated me.
Hurt me.
But my voice was lost.
I shook my head and we sat in silence until Harry came back in. "Ashley. She doesn't know anything. You, are beautiful, and Louis loves you. I've never seen him happier with anyone the way he is happy with you."

It worked slightly. But. It felt off. Vain.
"Want me to call him now."
I looked up to him. "Harry. I don't know. Look at my arm. You know. Niall knows. Lou. I don't know what he will think. Can we just get him to talk normally. Please don't tell him."
I begged them. "We won't. Promise." his emerald eyes shone and Niall hugged me more.

"Louis!" Harry called, kneeling beside us. "Get your ass in here!" A while passed and Louis ran into the room. "Harry what's..." then he saw me. "Ashley. What's wrong." he asked.
I broke. "Lou."
he came over and knelt beside us too. Niall let go and Harry whispered in his ear I'm guessing he's explaining what happened. Louis eyes were trained on me and then Harry whispered in his ear too.
"Oh my god." he breathed. He took my hands on his and locked eyes with me.

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