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Hello Darlings I just want to say that the sheer amount of views in like, two days. Is fucking amazing! Thank you so much for reading and viewing I'm really happy you like it and this is the next chapter so Yeah!



When morning came. I actually felt like getting up.
My second thought was to find the boys. So I slid from bed and went to my cupboard. I still had the bangles on and I just grabbed some toms, a black shirt and jeans. I then made my way to the bathroom.

I undressed from my PJs and threw them I the wash before climing into the shower.
The cuts were still stinging but I did my best to ignore them.
After doing all normal stuff in the shower I climbed out and dried myself before getting dressed.
I put the bangles back in place and looked in the mirror.
Well I don't look like a troll. So.
I grabbed the hairdryer and dried my hair. I then took my brush and ran it though my hair. I didn't feel like tying it up so I left it, my carmel hair fell loosely round my shoulders.

I checked everthing before leaving the bathroom. I walked down stairs and was greeted by all the boys chilling in the living room, all boys other than Zayn. I'm guessing he was still sleeping.
"Moring guys." I breathed.
They smiled, "Moring Ash."
I went and sat beside Niall and Louis.
I wonder how he's doing. I haven't checked on him. I mentally slapped myself for being so caught up in shit.
"I'm bored. And hungry. Could we go get food?" Niall piped.

"Yeah," Liam answered, "but we need to wake Zayn." we all sighed.
"I'll do it." Harry offered. As he stood to walk out he smiled at me.
As if it was planned, Niall swung his arm round my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled. He met it with a grin and we all made conversation as we waited for Harry and Zayn to come down. I glanced at Louis.
He still seemed down but he was ok...

"How are you holding up Lou?" I asked softly. He looked at me and tried for a smile. Failing.
"I'm okay." he breathed.
Even his breath sounded sad.
"No. Not really." I answered for him.
He met my eyes and they were so washed. So. Dark.
"Lou, I'm here. Talk to me pl-" I was cut off by the door being bashed to shit. I looked over and Louis and I exchanged looks. He then stood and went towards the door.

"What are you doing here?" he asked the person.
"Oh you know why." the voice retorted.
"No. It's what you assumed. You never talked to me about it you just said it and ended it!"
That's when I realized that the voice he was talking to was Eleanor.
I exchanged misleading looks with Liam and Niall.

"No! None of this was working! It's-" she was cut short by Liam. He was shoving them both outside.
The shouting become more muffled and it was pretty awkward and freaky.
Niall next to me put a hand on mine. "Liam will sort it out." he told me quietly. I nodded and put my head on my shoulder, as I did so Harry came down with a very groggy Zayn.

"Morning." he breathed.
Harry suppressed a smile and then come over. "What was that shouting?" he asked me. Zayn placing himself opposite me and putting his hand on his head, holding it up. I looked back to Harry and said.
"Uh, Eleanor showed up. Shouting. Liam took it upon himself to sort it out." Harry took the place Louis was in, "Naturally."

We all sat quietly as we waited for the shouting to die out. Once it did a very puffed Louis stormed upstairs. Liam came over to us. "Uh. Sorry Niall. We'll go out soon." he seated himself by Zayn and I stood.
I wanted to check Louis. He seems mad but I don't buy it.

I found my way upstairs and went over to Louis door. I stood outside for a moment. I looked to the floor then knocked.
The voice wasn't mad or sad. It was. Empty.
I took that as my friend que to barge in. He was in the same place as last time. Sitting in the corner, hugging his knees. A pang of sympathy flushed me.

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