
28 1 0

Hello hello, welcome back!!

Once again I'm really sorry for the whole cliff hanger thing.
Holy crap. I legit just realized that I fucked up and I left the girls out of the chapter.
I'm so so sorry. Just assume they went home. Okay.
Ill shut up now.



I woke up coughing and spluttering.
When I wasn't as dazed I found that Liam had jumped into the pool and helped me.Well, more than that.
He saved me. Aside from that my dress was soaked and my hair was messed up, I probably looked worse than before.

That's when my hearing came back, Liam was calling my name. I think.
I shook my head in an attempt to clear the fogginess.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern etched into his tone. "Yeah, I think so." I said, my voice raspy and almost strangled. "We're going home, okay?" I nodded as he helped me to my feet.

We took a step forward, we're going to continue but I stopped him. "Wait." I told him, he did as I asked while I removed my heels and held them. "Onward." He nodded, a small smile on his face and helped me to the car.
I then didn't notice anything unitl the car began moving. All the boys were in the car, I'm guessing Liam rounded them up.

Watching the sences go past was kind of monotonically killing me. It was just dark, random light, dark, random light. No, all it did was make me more nauesous.
I think I might of drifted off, mostly because I don't remember anything until the car stopped and Liam woke me.

I helped him load the Boys into their rooms. He locked the car once we finished with that. I was relieved too, mostly because I was tired and the boys were heavy, I mean. That's normal for 20 year old men, but anyway.
I made my way to my room and ever so casually fell into bed.
It was lights out after that.


I just wrote this so people call down.
I'm really sorry if I upset you.
In working on the next chapter, I will put it up as soon as possible.

Sorry, for this one being horribly short.


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