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Hey guys, this is the next chapter.
Once again. I know I suck at updating, I'm sorry.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and I would just like to say thank you so much to everyone for actually reading even if you aren't now or are busy, at least you were, so thank you for that, it means a lot.

Just a note, with tour, I'm going to follow the 2015 tour, there were 7 places so I'm planning on maybe taking one or two from each one and then taking it from there.

just thought I'd let you know,


Holy. Shit. It's tour now in like 2 hours we're going to be on the bus going to our first destination. That's just fucking crazy.

Louis was asleep next to me, looking at him reminded me of him singing to me last night, I smiled softly and smiled more at his pure cuteness, he snuggled into the pillow and smirked.
I let out a small chuckle and looked at his arm, my smile slowly fading.

You need to get over it, I told myself.   Yeah, I'll just get over the fact that one I'd the people that mean the most to me hurt themselves. Because of me.

Just then Liam opened the door, scaring me enough to scream and wake up Louis. He held up his hands in a karate gesture. "Huh, who is it!?"
I burst out laughing, "It's just Liam Lou, I'm sorry for scaring you," Louis breathed sleepily and had his eyes half closed, it was to cute.
Liam just stood there in the doorway with this awkward look on his face.

I laughed at him and giggled at Louis being the adorable motherfucker he is. "Well, uh, we're going to get ready and then go to the car so we can leave for the Airport, first stop is going to be Australia." He gave a nod and left us.
"I don't want to know what the time is," Louis told me groggily, I nodded, smiling slightly and climbed out of bed.

Louis laid there for a bit trying to wake up. I found it amusing and went to my cupboard, looking for things to wear. After a while I found some ripped jeans, a long sleeved black shirt and I stole Louis hoodie. I decided on a pair of boots and then I went to the bathroom to shower.

I thought back to the other times I cut in here. My mind flashed back to their broken expressions. I sighed and ignored it, showering and getting dressed. I went back to my room and discovered Louis was up, since the bed was empty.

I just went to the mirror and dried my hair. I brushed it though and added some make up, eyeliner and stuff, the usual. I thought I would wear some wrist bands and a studded belt so I went and put those on, leaving my room and going to find Louis.

He was ready in a white shirt, green Adidas hoodie and jeans, he had on some vans and I noticed my hoodie hanging out the side of his bag, the one we're taking on the plane.
He smiled at me and opened his arms,  I walked into them and breathed in his scent. It was so warm and comforting and I loved it, is that creepy? Smelling your boyfriend?

"Your hair smells beautiful," he commented. I giggled, I guess it's not.
"It's Vanilla and Cinnamon." I told him. "I can tell," he said, just as Zayn walked in. "Uh, why are your smelling her hair?" He asked him. "Why are you not, seriously?!" He pulled me forward gently and held up my hair to Zayn who in turn looked at him as if he was insane.

Then his expression changed, "Well, I guess you have a point," he shrugged, "anyway," he changed the subject, "we're gonna leave soon," with that he smiled and left. "Onward miss Vanilla hair!" Louis said playfully.
"Wow, okay," I agreed, walked out after Zayn.

Everyone was ready and Liam was helping Harry put the carry-on's into the car. Louis snaked his arm around my waist and lead me to the car. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture. He opened the door and climbed in, I followed and then Niall joined us, Liam was driving and Harry was beside him. The sky was still kind of dark was my first thought was, 'if it's dark, the boys should either be on stage or in bed' well it's kind of true.

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