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Hello my friends, firstly I'd like to apologize for my very abstract update schedule.
I get distracted fairly easily,
I get writers block or just get lost in other things such as other stories, drawing or school work.
I do try to my updates and writing consistent.
(which I can see is kind of fucked up...
I'm sorry)

Although I just really wanted to make this authors note to inform you guys who are actually reading this story of:

1) I do try to update, I know I'm bad, but I'm trying.

2) I have, legit, about 10 others stories I'm either theorizing, writing or editing at one time.

3) School. Exams. People. Lack in motivation. Thinking my stories aren't good enough to post ect.
All possible reasons for slow updates.

4) I appreciate everyone who has just clicked on this book, whether you have been here since the interview or have just passed by, thank you.

5) I'm sorry I have more of these A/Ns then I do fucking chapters, which I'm pretty upset about, once again, sorry.

6) As you can possibly tell I apologize way to much.

7) This is going way off topic.

Back to place. In all honestly, Thank you so much for 354 views, that is just Fucking insane, that 354 people took their time, out of their day, just look at my book. Much love 💙

I really have a whole array of stories I'd like to post but am unsure of if people actually want to read them or not.

I just feel my writing is inadequate, since majority of the stories have the same morbid tendencies, and vary into practically everything.

I'm smack dab in the middle of my exams which is just absolutely lovely.
(Beep... Warning, high levels of sarcasm detected.)

Long story short.
I'm indecisive as shit and need to gather things. So please if you guys could help me out here, please tell me the following:

-Do you guys actually enjoy reading this book?
-Would you like me to post the other stories I have planned?
-Do you have any other thoughts or comments?

Please let me know, I'd really love the feedback. Thank you everyone.

Stay awesome my friends!


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