~°•Midnight Memories Part 2•°~

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Ho-ly Fuck.
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Thank you so much to absolutely everyone, you guys mean the world to me!


I couldn't stop staring. I mean, it looked fucking amazing. Louise, you are a hair God. Holy shit. I gazed upon my flawless reflection, my caramel hair looked beautiful but what really caught all the attention was the teal colour at the tips of my hair, which went up about 3 inches.
(7 or so cm)

I turned around to looked deep into Louise's eyes. "It. Looks. Fucking. Amazing." I said, still in complete awe. I engulfed her in a bear hug, squeezing her tightly. "Thank you." I breathed, noticing how she wasn't. I pulled back, letting her free. "Sorry." I mumbled. She chuckled and took long breaths. "It's my pleasure darling." I gave her a huge grin and we went over to the couch.

"Now, you promised you'd explain more." Lou's voice turned more sinister, although, not in a dark way, in a more serious way. I sighed and nodded, pushing some hair behind my ear. I promised I'd explain what I meant while I was talking, and that lead to the cutting, so ultimately I had to explain that to her too. For some reason it didn't really mind telling Louise, she seems so kind and trustworthy.

So with the comfort in mind, I told her everything, every detail and all she did was listen, and it was so amazing, so soothing. I have no idea how I did that so freely or calmly or anything but hey, it worked out pretty cool so that's awesome.

Along with this, Louise, as with everyone, said she'd be here for me, she gave me her number so I could call her and anytime, which I appreciated.


Louise moved on from that topic and just made jokes and talked about the boys: their interesting little quirks and mannerisms, their accents and Louis and I's relationship. Louise commented on how Louis seemed so happy and content. I chalked that up to just being on tour, but she insisted it was because of me, I didn't see how that was but I was just happy none the less.

There wasn't much time left before the boys came back so we just listened to them do their thing until it was time for them to come running in.

Once the time had come, we all hugged and thanked Louise -not before the boy's cooed over my hair of course. Louis gave me this down trodden look and I felt a pang in my heart. "What is it?" I asked him, earning a simple response in return: "It doesn't smell like Vanilla and Cinnamon anymore." to which everyone laughed.

Afterwards Paul lead us to the car and we went back to our hotel, returning to the casual chaos we had before. Harry and Liam went off to make some late night snacks. Niall was chatting to Zayn while they had the listened to the T.V, using it as some kind of background noise. Louis went to the bathroom so I was happily watching them all just be themselves, laughing every so often due to Niall in the living room laughing as well, which also earned a couple of smiles from Harry and Liam in the kitchen.

It was around eleven thirty now and Louis asked me to go outside and stargaze with him, to which I happily agreed. { ;)} Louis took my hand and we walked towards the balcony. We gathered some fluffy blankets and a thick duvet on the way there. We set up the little area in which we were going to sit by placing the duvet on the floor and adding the fluffy ones afterwards. We sat on them in a similar fashion to when we were at the tree house before tour, our legs out in front of us, Louis's left hand behind me and my right hand behind him, comfortably enjoying our silent time outside, staring and the gorgeous night sky.

After a bit of time, Louis sat up cross-legged and I followed his actions. He gave me a beautiful smile and complimented my hair. I gave him this flustered, thankful smile and he pulled my head slightly closer to his before he kissed my temple lovingly. I cheekily touched his nose with my index finger and said in a sing-song voice, "Boop." Louis stuck his tongue out at me like a child and 'Booped' my nose back. We chuckled at our little strange encounter and I beckoned him to lay down, to which he agreed.

Louis pulled me closer to him and I lent my head on his chest, listening to his calming heart beat that made me smile from ear to ear. "I love you Ashley, you know that?" Louis whispered, tightening his arms around me for a second. "Of course I know that Lou, I love you just as much." "Except more." I added. He laughed and I felt the vibrations of his laughter in his head, running to my shoulders to my toes, giving me a warm, happy feeling.

Quiet minutes turned into hours, literally. It was one A.M when Louis and I went to our room. Louis just began casually changing in the room itself so I decided to stare and enjoy it for a bit before going to the bathroom with some clothes to change myself. When I arrived at the bathroom I removed my clothes and got into my PJ's. I went to the toilet, washed my hands and returned to our room.

Louis came over, kissed my temple and gave me a warm hug before going to the bed and cuddling the pillows. I chuckled at my boyfriend and turned off the light for him to sleep peacefully. I found my way through the hotel room back to the balcony, sitting cross-legged on the chair outside. A little while had passed and I was very content at the moment, calm and happy -not having to worry about CreepyMcgee tonight was a lovely bonus.

Just then I heard a voice from behind me. "Hey," it whispered. I immediately recognized it as Zayn and spun around to see him holding a plate of freshly baked pastries. "Hey Zayn." I answered him. "Food?" he offered, pulling up a chair and sitting beside me, both of us defying the cold air by not wearing a jacket. "Sure," I smiled, admitting to myself that I was in fact very hungry. "Harry and Liam?" I questioned him, reaching over to grab a pastry. "Indeed, they're apple pie ones." as soon as Zayn said that I took a bite of the pastry and let out a satisfied groan. "Food." I grinned. Zayn laughed at me and copied my actions.

Zayn and I went on talking and joking and I somehow managed to get myself into another sticky situation and I ended up telling him about CreepyMcgee. He told me he would try and help in all ways that he can. I thanked him and we hugged for a good while before we both went off to bed.


That is all I have for now so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, stay awesome my friends and I'll see you all, in the next chapter!


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