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Hello and welcome back.
I'm sorry for being so bad at updating, I'll try to update more.
Another thing, please could you vote and comment and all that jazz, it would be so awesome, thank you to those who have commented and everything, anyway, I hope you are all well.

Please could you also give me feedback on the last update regarding the other stories.

Thank you so much.

And another thing, thank you so so much to everyone who is reading the story it means the world to me and I wish I could hug you all.
Okay, with that said, let's get on with the story.


Alright, so the movie just finished and everyone was just stretching, the usual after a movie. It was pretty cool, I mean I basically cuddled my boyfriend for about an hour straight.
Nope, not complaining at all.

It's like 9 o'clock now, which is kind of amusing since Paul advised going to bed early. This along with Liam and like, everyone going on tour with us.
Um. No.
Anyway... The boys decided it best we just go to bed because they need their sleep for the tour. Yeah I know I'm going with them but I'm not going to be the one singing in front of millions of fans almost every night, so. Yeah.

We went up to our rooms and I went to Louis room with him because why not.

"Ashley," Louis spoke softly. I turned to look at him, "Yeah, Lou?"
"Do you remember what I asked at the park." My mind flashed back. A shiver when down my spine at the memory of me hurting him so much.
"Yeah," I breathed, he sat down on the bed and I looked at him before dropping my gaze to the floor. "Please," he asked calmly, which for Louis who is practically always excited about something...
Just not now.
It hurt to think I was the reason he was unhappy right now.

"I know about the ones on your arm. Are there any others?" He quired me in a hushed tone, I nodded shamefully, "Yes," I whispered my answer, barely audible.
I swallowed hard and moved my shaking hands to the hem of my shirt.
I gripped it lightly before pulling it up to reveal all the pain I've caused myself over the years.
Louis studied me with tears in his eyes, at the same time I was trying to decipher the look on his face.
"Ashley. I, I never knew it w-was this bad." He looked down almost as if he was ashamed himself.

I immediately felt like it was because of the scars and still healing cuts so I dropped my shirt and tried to ignore the tears lathering my cheeks. I looked at him and saw little droplets fall from his face. "I'm s-sorry Lou," I sobbed. He shook his head, meeting my saddened gaze with one of his own. "Ashley, I should be the one apologizing. You were in such a bad state you felt this was the only course of action. I should of seen it. I should of been there for you Ash, but I wasn't and I am so sorry for that."

"Lou, it was my doing. You shouldn't feel responsible for my actions." I told him. He stood and came over to me. He took my hands in his and kissed them. "You are beautiful and I love you. To think you did this is terrible. I don't like to see you in pain, and to see this, the pain you caused yourself. I should feel bad for not helping."
"Lou, I love you too. I honestly think that you blaming yourself is not going to help anyone." I tried to reason.

We debated for a while on this topic before be took my hand and lead me to my room before setting me on the bed and digging around in my draws like a dog looking for a bone. "Lou, what are you doing?" I asked, slightly shocked at the sight. "Looking for something to prove my point."
"And what point might that be?"
He stopped rummaging in my draws and looked me dead in the eyes saying, "The point of seeing someone you love hurt themselves, hurts so much more than anything else ever could." The tears were evident all over his face.

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