~°•Road Going Nowhere•°~

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Hello my friends.
Words cannot describe how sorry I am not updating. The last three weeks have been super hectic. There's so much going on with friends, life, family, the school play and whatnot. So yeah.
I apologize and hope fully I can get things running on course again.


Alright, so we arrived in Tokyo two hours ago. The jet lag has hit, and it is a bitch. So, basically we all just went to our respective rooms, namely: Louis and I in one room, Niall and Liam next door then lastly Harry and Zayn in the end one. Security and whatnot were in the room beside us -on either end- because the place has been kind of hectic. Luckily we got settled in with only minor instances of hug attacks and mobs.

None of us bothered to change into our PJ's so we just climbed into bed and got warned that they'll wake us up when we're needed. We have an interview tomorrow and a concert tonight. Let's just hope the boys get enough rest before then.


Louis snuggled closer into me, burying his face in the crook of me neck. I smiled at him and left my arms in place, wrapped around his torso. Louis's breathing was soft and deep, telling me he was fast asleep. I was more half-asleep the out cold. I could subtly hear the others snoring in the rooms around me, which wafted around the area like little lullabies. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, nestling my head beside Louis's, half ruffling his hair. Then the world melted around me.

"Ash," soft voices called my name. "Ash, we need to leave soon." Liam said, gently shaking my shoulder, trying to bring me to consciousness. I groaned slightly and propped myself up on one elbow, carefully rubbing my eyes, freeing the sleep from them. I then realized something . "Where's Louis?" I asked Liam. "Oh, he's in the kitchen with Harry and Niall." I nodded and sat upright. "How long do I have to get ready?" I continued my questioning. "About twenty minutes." He responded. I gave him a smile, "Thanks, and oh yeah." I added, "Thanks for the pastries last night." Liam laughed a bit. "Not a problem," he told me before leaving the room.

I clambered out of bed and got some clothes from my bag before going to shower. The scars had healed by now and I quite enjoyed my shower, turning it off after a bit and drying my hair. I walked from the bathroom, dressed and fresh. My hair was still teal which I absolutely loved. The boys like it too and everything is all honkey dezy.

"Morning Miss vanilla hair!" Louis announced in a sing song voice as I entered the kitchen. I laughed at his spontaneous outburst of happy, now that I had been using my normal shampoo Louis' been pleased. "Everyone ready?" Liam called. "Yep!" I responded,readjusting my white shirt and red jacket, glancing down at my jeans and black boots. I was suddenly startled by arms being wrapped around my waist, a soothing voice whispering in my ear: "You look beautiful." I smirked lightly, "You're always beautiful." I chuckled at him, spinning in his arms and toughing his nose cheekily, mimicking our moment from last night.

"I love you," I breathed. "I loved you too."


The boys were at the concert and Louise said we could go out shopping, so that's where we are currently, wondering around aimlessly in a store that we can't even read. After a while we found a place with the name '化粧' we looked under it and saw another sign that read: Makeup. Okay, I guess we found out what is in this store. We walked in and discovered all sorts of makeup things; lipsticks, eye shadow pallets, eyeliners and a bunch of odd Japanese cosmetic things like the wrinkle preventer mouth piece that looks way to inappropriate, I mean, there's a dick joke in there somewhere but I'm not gonna touch it.

Now this is the bad thing about shopping in new places. You walk in, think 'Hey! that looks awesome!' and four hours later you walk out with a bunch of shit you don't need but looks really cool. It's really strange how that happens , but the stranger thing was how we met Sabrina and Chloe again. Last time we saw them they were in Australia, now they're in Tokyo.

Long story short we invited the boys to join all of us for dinner tomorrow so that is going to be really fun.

Once we got back to the concert venue I smiled widely, seeing all of the people and hearing the boys's voices as they sang and the crowed joined in. I loved it, but I don't think I'll ever love it as much as they do.
Louise flashed me a supportive smile and I gave her one in return.

Long event short we all arrived at the hotel, tried and really happy. I had bought a couple of things -mostly completely useless but still cool. Everyone was pleased so I guess it all worked out.

I did get some interesting foods for Niall weird toys for all of the boys and just over all fun things for everyone since I thought that would be cool. Let's just say everyone was super happy for which I am glad.

Sadly for me though, the happy moment didn't last. We were all gathered in the living room, watching some movie I wasn't paying attention to. Louis had his arm draped around my waist in a protective manner, although he can't protect me from what he doesn't know.

Twenty minutes after I got home, CreepyMcgee had started their shit again. I know I should say something. Zayn knows, but what the hell am I ment to tell the others?  Hey guys, some random creppy dude is being rude, could you, ya know, pull your famous stuff and tell 'em to stop?
Yeah... No.

"Ash, Ashley!" I stopped staring out the window and looked to the cause of the sound. Zayn.
"You alright?" Zayn asked me, resulting in Louis's arm tensing around me. "I'm all good, you guys?" I dodged the question.
"We're fine. We just need to go to bed soon." I nodded at his response. "Alright." I faked a stretch and said. "Yeah, I think I'll go to bed now."

Turing to stand, I kissed Louis's nose and whispered, "See you soon." Before disappearing in the direction of out bedroom for the reminder of being in Tokyo. At least I have seeing Sabrina and Chloe tomorrow to look forward to.


That was this chapter, sorry for it being shorter, I haven't had much time and all.
So that's it. Stay awesome my friends and I'll see all you guys! In the next chapter!
If this makes no sense at all I'm so so sorry.


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