~°·Life Goes On·°~

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I can't believe that the break is nearly over. The boys understood when I said I wasn't going to stay with them during the break because I was going to be staying with Louis. Two days after he showed up at my flat I said he could stay with me, but he insisted on taking me on a cruise with him to Mauritius which was a bit extravagant to say the least.

I couldn't argue with the raggedy man so I just agreed. I didn't want him spending so much money on me and when I said that he responded with, "I'm not spending all of this on you. Its on us." Which was so cheesy but cute. Louis and I's bond had strengthened beyond anything we could of comprehended before. We made promises to one another to always listen. Regardless of how mad, upset or murderous we were to just listen. Let them explain and react accordingly so this ridiculous situation never repeated itself.

"So Ashley, our one year aniversiery is in two months, if I asked you to be free then for something special what would you say?" He asked. "Hypothetically I mean." He added quickly.
I smiled lightly. "Hypothetically." I start, glancing at my beautiful boyfriend. "I would say that I would do all that I could in my power to be as free as anything to spend as much time as possible with you." Louis smiled and those amazing sea blue orbs flashed at me. They shone with such power and strength that I just couldn't look away.

"Stop going all twilight on me." He said jokingly, playfully hitting my arm. "Oh shut up I know you love those movies." I challenged. Louis rolled his eyes and looked back at me, his body slightly twisted so he seemed all sassy. "Don't mess with the sass master from Doncaster." He shot back at me. I suppressed a laugh and stared at him intently. "Just becasue it rhymes doesn't mean you're actually good at that." Louis stopped.

He looked horribly offended. "Ouch." He said flatly. I wasn't sure how to react. Louis can be over dramatic sometimes and that can be hard to read every now and again. "I didn't mean to upset you." I said gingerly. My mood deflating. His demenour suddenly changed. "Oh no no. I was joking Ash, I didn't mean to upset you." I pouted slightly and then punched his arm. "Meanie."
He sighed in an over exaggerated manner and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was on my right so his left hand was around my waist, me being the strange one I am did what I did only forever ago. I held his left hand with my right and this right hand with my left so it was some sort of criss cross thing. Shut up its comfortable.

"Why do you always hold my hands like this?" Louis questioned in my ear, his voice a low growl. I smirked a little. He was so hot when he did this. "Ask mother nature." I chided him jokingly. "Whatever." He rolled his eyes playfully and kissed my cheek. "You're a dork." I laughed, he chucked in return before elbowing me gently, "yes, but I'm your dork." I smiled at him and then he stood. I watched him as he went to put on a movie and grab some blankets for us. I went to get some snacks from my cupboards and let him do his thing. 

~Impatient time skip once again~

The cruise was here and boarding was a bit frightening. I had never been on a ship before and the experience seemed to be one I would most likely enjoy. The trip coincided with our one year anniversary so I guess we were going to do something special on the trip. 

I had already bought him a gift, this smart looking watch and some sweets, also this cute little teddy bear. I didn't want to be too small or go overboard -pun defiantly intended- so I hoped this would safice.

We followed the stairway down to our rooms. We got cards to scan ourselves into our rooms and got a lanyard to keep it in. Ghe doors unlocked with the click of the card going in and out. It was quite satisfying.

The room was fairly big, it had a double bed, which was decorated beautifully. There was a desk, charging ports, to the left a small bathroom and to the right a cupboard. The area was spacious and smelt brand new.

"This is lovely." I said, roping around Louis' neck. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "It is, but not as beautiful as you." I playfully tap him and smile. "We depart at two right?" He nodded. "Yep, there are bouffets, night meals, ice cream bars, proper bars, arcades. This thing is fucking massive." I laughed at his terminology. "Agreed Lou, this place is fucking massive."


Im so sorry, this is long long overdue and hopefully will end soon. Its bothering me how it isn't finished yet and should be ending within, hopefully this coming week.

Thank you so so so much to everyone who has clicked on this.

Im so sorry for any errors, please forgive me, I haven't been on this in forver and had to reread most of it to get the idea again.

Thanks again, I love you all


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