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Lou and I just finished getting ready so we were about to leave when he got a phone call.

He said that it was a friend. Which 'friend' is he talking to anyway?
I nodded to him and sat on the couch while he has talking. I couldn't hear their voice and I had absolutely no clue who it was. And it was annoying as  fuck.
It felt like forever until he finally said goodbye and hung up.
Funnily enough I still, have no idea who it was. "Ready?" I asked, standing and walking over to him. He seemed slightly more excited about something. Huh?

"Yeah, sorry about that." He clanimed quietly.
I waved it away and took his hand.
"Let's go before they get worried." I told him.
"Aw," he complained "Why not? It'll be fun."
I ginned at the assumption but quite frankly I was upset about that call. I didn't want to say anything so we agreed we'd wait a bit longer then leave.

"What took you guys so long?"  Liam demanded upon us entering.
"Lou got a phone call." I said shooting him a look. He didn't notice.
So that's nice.*cough*sarcasm*cough*
"Really?"  Liam asked, "Who was it?"
Yeah Lou, who was it. I'm his girlfriend now, he should be able to trust me. Shouldn't he?
"Yeah, it was Ed." He told him.
Dude wtf?
"Wait, like Ed Sheeran." I stated. The boys and him are good friends. He wrote a few songs for them too. Why would he tell Liam and not me.
"Yeah, he invited us to a party on Friday." He explained farther. Oh. Okay.
I'm still mad.
"Today's Wednesday, so its pretty soon." I said. Playing it cool. Why did he tell Liam and not me.
Don't over think things...

"Yeah," Liam agreed "What did you say?"
"I told him we'd be there." Louis confirmed.
"Oh, alright. That works." I nodded.
They smiled and we took our seats again. Everyone was still here. I have no idea why.
Well it is a ice cream place.
Point made.
"How long until you guys go on tour?"  Dani asked looking at all the boys. "Um, a week and three days." Liam said. I whistled in amazement.
"Wow, its so close." The others nodded in agreement.
"How about another round of ice cream for celebration?" Niall asked hopefully.
"Alright." Liam stated "But no ice cream fights." He directed that at Lou and myself. Heh heh. Fine.
That works.

We have to leave now. Its 6 and I have no clue how time has gone so fast.  Eh. It defiantly wasn't a day wasted. Plus there's like 10 days until tour.
This was gonna be fun.
"How about we play monopoly or something."  Harry suggested. "Sweet. Shot gun the ship!" I called.
"I wanted the ship!"  Louis protested.
"Since Dani and Paige are here how about we make it couples monopoly?" Zayn piped.

"What about Niall and I?" Harry asked. "Yeah?"
"You two can go together." I explained cheekily.
I ginned and rested my head on Louis shoulder.
The car slowly came to a stop and we all jumped out.
As we unlocked the doors and headed in Niall ran upstairs "I'll get the bored!"
"Okay." I mumbled. No stopping him now.
We gathered in the dining room, getting ready for Niall to bring the game.
He ran in and placed it on the table. We were all in our teams, it made it a lot less confusing when we were picking play pieces.

"Ship!" Louis claimed as he fished the ship form the small box of metallic looking objects. "We call the dog!" Niall stated. Claiming the dog for himself and Harry. Us few who had chosen placed our pieces in the starting place.
"We'll be the hat." Dani explained, she then also took the hat from the pile and placed it at the start. Zayn and Paige looked at the box for a while then they mumbled stuff and eventually Zayn took the horse and then looked at everyone expectantly.
"Everyone ready?"

We all nodded and Harry picked up the dice. We agreed now that we would go Niall and Harry, Zayn and Paige, Louis and I then Liam and Dani.
Once we started it got like all games do with the boys.
So Lou and I were planning on getting Euston road and Oxford Street. The ones on the end next to the jail. We were only planning on this because EVERYBODY in the history of monopoly lands on them so we can like build homes and stuff and win.
Yes were evil :p
So far Harry and Niall were in the lead. Then it was Lou and I then the others. I was just seeing and or focusing on where Lou and I were.

We have been playing for two hours. Still no one has won yet Liam and Dani are broke. Lou and I are leading cause of our evil plan.
Harry and Niall are close but still far and Zayn and Paige are in jail. So when they get out the will either land on one of ours or another.
I rolled the dice.


Okay that's good. I moved our ship to Liverpool station. Fuck. Which is owned by Harry and Niall.
As that happened they cheered lightly.
I look back at Louis. He shrugged and sat forward in his chair. So unluckily we lost quite a bit of  money but were still in the lead so ha.
Then Zayn and Paige landded on our plots.
Like I said. This was a good idea. OK fine I didn't say that but it was a good idea.
Now they are also broke.
Oh and shit gets intense.
Now its just Harry Niall Lou and myself.
They just bought Kings Cross and then placed a house on another one of their plots.

Why are we always landing on the tax?
Ugh. Anyways after that it was a tie.
Neither of us could lose at this point so yeah.
"We shall settle this later." Louis challenged.
Pointing at his eyes then point back  at them.
I smiled.
They nodded seriously.
Then we all just burst out laughing.
That was good.


Chater 9.

So the prank? In the last chapter...
Ah yes. And Ed Sheerans party?

Yeah. Hope it was fun.


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