Oh noooo levi!

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*Later at night*
Eren opened his eyes and found Levi shaking, curled into a ball. His face flustered and sweat damping the bed.
"Levi?" Eren gently placed a hand on Levi's shoulder and shook carefully. Levi slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Eren with glazed over eyes.
"....w-what is it brat?" His voice was rough and strained. Eren furrowed his brows and sat up.
"Are you alright?" Eren laid a hand on Levi's cheek and flinched. Levi was too warm. He coughed into his pillow and sat up on his arms with struggle.
"I'm fine bright eyes, just tired." Levi's arms gave out and he collapsed back on his pillow. Eren was obviously not fooled.
"I'm going to go get Hanji!" Eren jumped out of bed. He was stopped from running off when he felt a hand grasp his wrist.
"No! I'm fine. Please don't go." Levi's eyes watered and he was left panting for air. Eren frowned and held Levi's hand. He got back into bed and laid back down, bringing Levi with him.
"Alright, calm down. Go back to sleep, I'm right here." He kissed Levi's hand and watched as Levi sighed in relief. He closed his eyes and curled into Eren. Both falling asleep.
*in the morning*
Eren woke up hyper and excited. He smiled and felt well rested. He looked down at the bundle of grumpiness in his arms, finding Levi's face pale and covered in sweat. He looked worse than last night. Eren placed a hand on Levi's forehead and drew back quickly. He was scorching. Eren's eyes watered and he jumped out of bed in a panic. He turned around to see that Levi didn't even flinch. Eren whimpered.
"Hold on Levi, I'll get Hanji!" Eren ran out of the room to the hallway crying. He continued running blindly until he bumped into someone. Erwin was looking over some papers while walking when Eren ran into him. Erwin was shocked to find Levi's mate collapsing to the floor and crying.
"Eren?? W-what's wrong? Where's Levi?" He doubts Levi would allow his mate wondering about in little clothing, especially since he was just fertilized. Erwin flinched when Eren grabbed his arm and looked up with tearful, beautiful eyes.
"L-Levi, h-he's too warm. N-Need Hanji!" Erwin blushed at the sight of Eren's beauty. His lair longer and silkier, eyes brighter and bigger, his sun kissed skin smooth, his form is much more feminine and smaller, and the way Eren grabbed Erwin's arm-.
Erwin cleared his throat and helped Eren up. Perhaps it's the changing making Eren more emotional and his hormones spill over. It's best to just bring Eren to Hanji, Levi would kill Erwin if anything happened to his mate.
"It's alright Eren, I'll take you to Hanji. You know, Hanji will make everything better." He smiled warmly down at Eren. Eren smiled brightly up at Erwin, his cute little fangs poking out.
"Thank you!" Eren took Erwin's hand. Erwin looked away blushing. He quickly took Eren to Hanji's lab, hoping that no one would see them and Levi won't kill him for thinking such things about his mate.
Hanji opened the door after the third knock and hugged Eren.
"OMG EREN YOUR SO CUTE I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP!!" Hanji pulled back and saw a sad look on Eren's face. Erwin cleared his throat, took his hand back and excused himself and left. Hanji looked between Erwin's retreating figure and Eren before resting her eyes on Eren's face.
".....Levi's cool with that?" Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as Eren pushed his face into Hanji's lab coat and started bawling.
Hanji waved her arms and laid them gently on Eren's shoulders, pushing him back alittle.
"Eren?! What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Eren sniffed and rubbed his eyes.
"Hanji! It's Levi! H-He's very feverish and pale! I knew I should've came sooner, b-but Levi said he was fine a-and-" Eren cried harder. Hanji smiled gently and rubbed Eren's back. Eren tried to stop crying.
"Calm down Eren, Levi is strong. I'll go check on him okay?" Eren started to calm down and nodded adorably. Hanji giggled and got her stuff. She held her bag in one hand and took Eren's hand with the other. They walked back to Levi's room and opened the door quietly.
They found Levi painting and shifting in his sleep, calling his mate's name.
"E-Eren.....Eren..." Levi repeated, as if searching for him. Hanji looked at Eren and nodded over to Levi.
"Eren, quickly go hold Levi's hand to let him know your here!" Eren looked confused but ran to Levi's side of the bed and took his hand, rubbing it with his thumb.
"Shhhhhh it's okay Levi, I'm right here. Sorry it took me so long." Levi stopped trashing and held Eren's hand tightly. His eyes slowly opened.
"......Eren....." Levi voice was hoarse and he coughs painfully. Hanji came over and started to check Levi's symptoms, Eren holding his hand through it all. As Hanji checked his fever, Levi had worn a pained look and panted for air. Hanji checked it and sighed. She looked at Levi and frowned.
"How many times do I need to tell you to take better care of yourself?! You nearly scared Eren to death!" Hanji scold. Levi looked at Eren feverishly and squeezed his hand gently. Eren smiled gently and squeezed back. Hanji got out some pills and blood bags. Eren looked at Hanji with a hint of panic in his eyes.
"What's wrong with him?" Eren teared up. Hanji sighed.
"He hasn't been eating enough, plus stress and going out during daylight most of the day, barely sleeping and kingly duties has finally taken a toll on his body. He just needs lost of rest." Hanji smiled lightly at Eren and ruffled his hair, ignoring Levi's weak glare. She lighted Levi's head and gave him pills and fed him blood. Levi struggled to drink, but managed it.
"Normally I'd prefer you to still go to school Eren. Ya know, education and what not. But I can imagine Levi not rest and worrying himself sicker over his newly found newborn fertile mate. Plus, he needs you by his side so he can rest, since your his mate. You need to keep him calm and know your safe. Dominant vampires, when feeling vulnerable, feel unable to protect their mate, so just stay close to Levi so he knows your safe and can rest." Hanji pat's Eren's shoulder and puts a cloth on Levi's head. Eren nodded and held Levi's hand.
"Don't worry Levi, I'm right here, safe and sound." He kissed Levi's head and Hanji squealed.
"Awwwww so cute! Oh, I'll check on Levi later, don't over exerted yourself Levi and let me know if he gets worse!" Hanji grabbed her things and skipped out the door, closing it. Eren ran his fingers through Levi's hair, allowing tears to shed.
"I'm so sorry Levi, maybe if I could stop you from coming to school, or made sure you ate and was resting, then you wouldn't be feeling so bad." He whimped. Eren was cut off by a light flick to the forehead by Levi.
"Dumbass, like you could stop me from coming, I'd be even more worried. And make me eat and rest?" Levi laughed which turned into a coughing fit.
"Please don't make me laugh again." Eren frowned.
"Why come to school yesterday then if you weren't feeling well?? You could've had someone else come!" Levi sighed and patted Eren's head.
"Because you were acting weird with your father. I was worried he would do something, and I was right." Levi growled, gritting his teeth.
"He deserves to be tortured for years to come for what he had done to you! When I'm done with him, he'll be begging for me to kill him!" Levi sat up coughing roughly and sneezed. Eren rubbed his back and Levi sniffed.
"I-It's okay Levi, don't worry about it. Just rest." Levi frowned and grumbled while laying back down.
"It's not okay Eren. Not even close." He thought for a second, and used up the rest of his strength to sit up quickly and grab Eren. He pulled him onto the bed and laid his head down on Eren's chest, panting. He shook his head slowly.
"No, he hurt you. I won't let him get away with this." Eren stroked Levi's hair softly.
"Yes yes, just sleep Levi." He kissed Levi's head and Levi pouted.
"Alright, but once I awake, I'm coming for him." Levi closed his eyes to sleep. Eren smiled and followed Levi to sleep not long after.
But what they don't know is that bad choices are going to be made.
Authors note!!!!!
Hello guys! Wow, I suck at these, but I just wanna apologize for updating so damn slowly. I like to write my stories on paper and make sure that they are like....15 pages more so I won't have writers block. But lately I haven't had time! I hope you enjoy this chapter with the little extra more work in it. I'll try updating more often! Have a glorious day!

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