Your Vampire Will Taste like Sweet Nectar

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*5 hours later*
Eren woke up with hunger pains and a dry throat. He sat up and rubbed his throat, making a noise. He nearly squealed when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his sickly mate sitting up next to him.
"Ewen, whaz wong?" Levi slurred, voice raspy with illness and sleep. Eren just shrugged, shaking his head.
"M'just hungry. I'll get some food later." Levi smack his head lightly.
"Dummy, don't starve yourself!" Levi shook his head and tilted it to the side. Eren's eyes widen and he shook his head frantically.
"No way Levi! Your still I'll, I couldn't feed from you!" Eren made a move for the door but Levi kept a hold on his shoulder. He forced Eren to look at him and glared.
"Oi, shitty brat, you think I'll let you, my mate, drink from anyone else? Hell, let alone starve?" Eren looked down guiltily.
"I can hold off Levi-" Levi grabbed Eren's head and shoved his face to his neck.
"Just drink you brat." Eren blushed. He got a whiff of Levi's scent and his mouth watered. He swallowed back and shook his head, trying to break free.
"L-Levi, I told you-" Levi growled, making Eren whimper.
"Just do it!" Levi coughed out. Eren hesitate before another wave of pain in his stomachs caused him to sink his fangs into Levi's neck.
"Ngh!" Levi felt a sharp pain, then pleasure filled him as Eren began to drink. Levi held Eren's head.
"Your doing good love." Levi's sweet blood filled Eren's mouth, tasting of honey, vanilla, and warmth. Levi just stroked Eren's head as Eren fed. Once feeling full enough, Eren pulled back with blood trickling down his moth and watery eyes.
"I-I'm sorry Levi." Levi coughed in his elbow and smirked. He leaned over and licked the left over blood off of Eren's face. Eren blushed.
"Don't be, I forced you to." Eren leaned over and licked Levi's neck clean, then pulled back. Levi frowned slightly, fever rising. He began crying.
"Stay with me Eren, please don't ever leave me." Eren kissed Levi's neck and hugged him.
"Always, my love." Eren kisses Levi sweetly and Levi's face went red.
"E-Eren, don't! Y-You'll get sick too!" Levi frowned and rubbed Eren's lips to try getting his germs off. Eren pouted.
"But I miss you." Levi opened and closed his mouth, as if he were to say something, but ended up just sighing.
"Come he beat." Levi took his head and brought him close and kissed his head. Eren kissed and and found Levi's fever has risen. Eren frowned.
"Levi.....maybe you should drink from me this time."  Levi scoffed, becoming a harsh, wet cough. After he recovered and shook his head.
"Not right now." Eren rolled his eyes.
"Don't be a hard ass Levi. When was the last time you ate?" Levi looked as if he was thinking and Eren scold him.
"Exactly. Now don't make me have to hold you down, because fertile or not, I will." Eren was completely serious and Levi knew it. He sighed and nodded slowly.
"Alright alright, anything for my princess." He smirked. Eren rolled his eyes and just ignored the nickname. He tilted his head.
"Come get some princess chow." Levi chuckled and leaned in. He whispered lowly.
"Thank you Eren." Eren felt his heartstrings pull. Before he could say anything he felt Levi bite down. Surprisingly it wasn't as painful as he expected it to be. All Eren could hear is Levi feeding, then pleasure filled him. Eren moaned in lust. One, two, three- on the fourth sip Eren had an orgasm. Levi pulled back and smirked wickedly. Eren was panting hard. Levi licked his neck clean and starting kissing Eren passionately. Eren winced as his ribs hurt and Levi pulled back.
"Next time love." He kissed Eren's forehead and laid down, taking Eren with him. Eren whimpered.
"But-" Levi put a finger on his lips.
"Next time. Now, rest." Levi curled into Eren.
"...Hey Levi?" Levi growled.
"Eren I told you-" Eren cut him off.
"You taste like sweet nectar." Eren giggled.

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