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Yuki showed Eren the night classes and handed him a schedule.
"This is the time when your classes start, and this is when the gates open for the night class students to come out."
Eren raised an eyebrow.
"Why only then?" Yuki opened her mouth but was interrupted by a soft silk voice.
"Because it is a safety precaution. For both the day class and night class students." A tall, skinny man walked down the grand stairs, holding a book in his hand. Yuki blushed deeply.
"K-Kaname-Sama!" Kaname looked at Yuki and smiled, reaching over and tucking her hair behind her ear.
"What have I always told you Yuki? Please call
Me kaname." Yuki blushed harder and looked down grinning.
"Y-Yes....Kaname." Eren looked between them confused. Kaname turned to look at Eren.
"Hello, my name is Kaname Kuran, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
He took Eren's hand and kissed it gently, causing Eren to blush. Kaname froze for a second and looked up at Eren.
"Ah, I see you are a fertile male. My apologizes." A vein popped in Eren head. He wasn't sure if he wanted to punch the pretty boy or to let it slide. Kaname let go of his hand and smiled at Eren.he looked over at Yuki.
"Yuki, I've told you how dangerous it is here. Please do not come her alone next time." He gave her a worried look. Yuki shook her hands in front of her.
"I-I didn't come alone. I-I came to show Eren around." Kaname looked surprised and cocked his head to the side.
"Hm? I thought Headmaster Cross wanted me to come retrieve the new students? My Greatest Grandfather and his mate I presume." Eren looked at Kaname confused.
"Greatest Grandfather?" Kaname looked down at Eren, sighing.
"I assume Cain never explained his family tree did he? Well, to put it simply, Cain is the father of us all the Pureblood vampire lieges. The Kurans, my family, were the first to migrate to Japan." Eren nodded, amazed.
"Wow, that's cool! Wait, so how old is Levi?" Kaname looked confused.
"Who? Oh! Is that the name Cain has taken? Well, no one knows to be honest. I'm sure he doesn't either." Kaname shook his head in thought.
"Speaking of, where is he?" Yuki spoke up.
"He's doing paper work with the headmaster." Kaname nodded and took yuki's hand.
"I shall take Eren from here Yuki, please return to the day world where you will be safe." He leaned in and kissed her head. Yuki squealed in surprised and drew back, red as a tomato.
"W-What- k-k-Kaname!" Yuki ran out the door muttering to herself. Kaname giggled as she ran.
"Such an interesting child." He turned to Eren.
"Now, shall I show you to your rooms?" The doors opened again to see an out of breath Levi, glaring at Eren. Eren gulped and smiled nervously.
"....hi?" Levi slammed the door shut, approaching Eren.
"I ran around this damn school looking for you round ass, and all you can say is hi?!" Eren yelped and glared back, trying not to show cowardice.
"Y-you said you were going to catch up! So it's your fault!" Eren stuck his tongue out and Levi tched.
"Shut up bright eyes." Kaname cleared his throat.
"It's been a while, Greatest Grandfather." Levi glared up at Kaname, tching.
"What did I tell you about calling me that shitty brat, makes me feel old." Kaname laughed it off.
"Then would Cain be sufficed?" Levi grabbed kaname's  shirt and pulled him down so they were face to face.
"Don't call me by that name! You may call me
Levi. That is the name I took." He let go of Kaname and Kaname brushed off his shirt.
"Still as violent as ever, nothing has changed." Levi growled.
"Just quit the damn yappin and show us our rooms!" Kaname looked seriously at Levi then sighed.
"Right this way, and please contain yourself Grandfather." Levi tched but didn't say anything as he followed him. Eren looked at Kaname realization crossed his face.
"Oh! I never introduced myself! My name
Is Eren Yeagar!" Kaname turned his and chuckled.
"I see you are more polite than your mate. Glad someone had him on a leash." Levi glared at the back of Kaname's head. Kaname's led them to a grand room.
"This room contains two bed-" Levi cut him off.
"Yeah yeah I have eyes, now fuck off." Kaname sighed and nodded.
"Call me if you need me." Levi walked to a bed furthest from the curtains and jumped into bed. Kaname's looked at Eren and leaned down to whisper.
"He seems rough, I know. But he is a great man with a bad history. Please don't let him tough guy appearance fool you." Eren looked at Kaname's sorrowful expression with shock. He nodded and Kaname smiled slightly.
"I shall leave you to pick up the pieces. Good day." Kaname closed the door behind him and Eren looked at Levi. He giggled and ran and jumped on Levi.
"Ooph! What the fuck Eren?!" Eren hugged him like a koala bear.
"Nothing, just thinking about how much I love you." Eren kissed his chest and closed his eyes. Levi stared at Eren for a few seconds and gave a genuine smile.
"I love you too." Levi kissed his head and hugged him back, closing his eyes. Levi hummed Eren a song until they both drifted to sleep.
Author's Notes: okay, so I'm defiantly going to be posting more because I want to hurry and finish the story so I can start on the next.:3 but I won't rush the story itself, so don't worry. And the next story I'm doing is going to be a surprise for now. So look forward to it!

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