Coffin Closet

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*walking out to the car*
"Levi, where are we going?" Levi smirked.
"To the mall, unless you prefer wearing my clothes. Eren blushed and opened his mouth. Levi opened the door and held it open for Eren.
"Just get in." Eren glared at Levi for a second then went in, Levi following behind.
*In the car on the way to the mall*
" are you really going to the party with me?" Levi chuckled.
"Unless you want to stay home tonight, yes." Eren glared slightly before looking out the window.
"Well, wouldn't it be weird if the vampire knig showed up to a human-er, mostly human party? Levi grabbed Eren's head and forced him to look at him.
"Why do you not want me there so badly?"Eren gulped and looked away from Levi's face.
"N-No reason." Levi growled and put his hand on Eren's neck.
"Eren." Levi warned. Eren whimpered and looked down.
"I-It's just......what if the girls look at you!" Eren squeezed his eyes shut. Levi blinked.
" what if they do?" Levi smirked sadistically.
"I-I don't want anyone looking at you but me!" Eren tried to hide his face, but Levi kept his hand on Eren's neck. Levi chuckled.
"And since when have I ever had any interest in HUMAN girls?" Eren opened his eyes.
"Do you really think I'd leave you for a filthy blood bag with tits?" Eren blushed.
"" Levi smirked.
"Then don't worry about it, have some faith in me. I'm all yours." Levi pressed his lips up to Eren. Eren smiled in the kiss. The car stopped and Levi's door opened. A man was holding a black umbrella open for Levi.
"We are here your majesty." Levi hissed and placed his glasses on. He looked at Eren. He reached into his coat and placed a pair of sunglasses on Eren's face.
"Even if the sun doesn't burn you like us, it can irritate your eyes." Eren blinked in surprise. Levi stepped out of the car and took the umbrella from the man's hand. He used his other hand to grab Eren's and helped out of the car. Without letting go, Levi took Eren into the mall. Eren was looking around quickly and spotted hottopic. He pointed to it and was going for it, but Levi held onto his hand and kept him at his side. Eren frowned.
"Levi, I want to go to hottopic!" Eren pouted. Levi looked down at Eren, then hottopic.
"That cheap place is not befitting for you. There is only one reason we come to this mall, and it's for the stores specifically for vampires." Levi led Eren to a stairway hidden in the corner of the mall between hottopic and Spencer's. He led him down to a dark, eerie double doors. Levi flashed his fangs and they opened automatically. Eren stared in awe. Levi smirked and tugged on Eren's arm to follow. As they went in, Eren noticed the slight fog hiding their feet, the lit candles barley giving off a glow to show the way, and the shadows of people passing by Eren and Levi, not on touching Eren or Levi. Eren looked up to Levi and noticed his eyes glowing.
"Levi, where are we?" Levi looked down at a slightly scared Eren and smiled to show off his fangs.
"Welcome to the vampire world." Eren's eyes widen as he gasped. Eren then preceded to flick Levi's cheek.
"Ow! What the hell!?" Eren glared up.
"Don't try to scare me like that and give me a good explanation!" Levi rubbed his cheek with the hand not holding Eren's.
"Ah, geez. Can't take a joke? Damn. It's basically the vampire side of the mall. No humans and no cheap tacky clothes, unless that's what the vampire is into."Eren grinned.
"Now was that so hard?" Levi flipped him off and started dragging him to the stores. They entered one called 'Coffin Closet.' Eren went up to a woman with medium reddish brown hair.
"Hey, Petra." The woman looked over at him and smiled, showing off her little fangs.
"King Levi!" Eren felt jealousy swelling in his chest. Levi pushed Eren forward.
"This is my mate, Eren. We came today to get him measured and get him clothes. Think your up for it?" Petra smiled at Eren.
"Of course! I'm Petra by the way." She bowed slightly to Eren. Eren blushed and held out his hand, surprising her.
"I'm Eren. It's nice to meet you." Petra looked at his hand and giggled. She took it and shook.
"Nice to see the king has an interesting mate." Levi glared slightly at her. Before he could say anything, Petra took Eren into the back.
"Just stay still please." Eren nodded as Petra started measuring him.
", how do you know Levi?" Petra giggled.
"He's been friends with my family for many generations. Plus, we dated for a bit." Eren nearly choked. Petra looked up and back down to his legs to measure.
"Ah, but that was such a long time ago. We thought it better to be friends." She smiled and stood up.
"Please don't worry queen Eren, there's is nothing between us." Eren nodded slightly.
"R-Right." Petra went to give Levi the measurements. Eren stood there for a few seconds in shock. Why didn't Levi tell him? Well, he shouldn't be surprised, as old as Levi is, it would be weird if he didn't have a past lover-
"Eren?" Levi voiced from the front of the store, bringing Eren back from his thoughts.
"C-Coming!" Eren opened the curtain and ran up front. Levi raised an eyebrow and Eren avoided his eyes. Levi looked at Petra.
"......we would like 10 dresses, 15 shirts and pants, 5 coats,........" Eren blocked the rest out, looking between Petra and Levi. He seemed so off guard. He felt another pang in his chest-
"Eren?" Eren looked up to the worried look on Levi's face. Eren laughed nervously.
"Ah, sorry. I'm alittle tired. What was the question again?" Levi frowned and put both hands on Eren's shoulder.
"Are you hungry? Would you like to eat now?" Before Levi could unbutton his short, Eren placed his hands on Levi's.
"N-No, I'm just tired. I think I just need some rest."
"Will you be okay for tonight? We don't have to go." Levi became near frantic and Eren felt guilty for lying to him.
"I-I'll be fine, just need alittle rest is all." He smiled up at Levi.
"If you want King Levi, I can send the clothes to your castle." Petra looked serious. Levi looked at her and nodded.
"Thank you Petra, sorry about this." Eren frowned. Petra just giggled and shook her head.
"Don't worry about it, I'll see you later." She smiled. Levi looked at Eren and picked him up.
"L-Levi what-"
"Your tired right? Then don't over exhaust yourself." Levi left the store. Eren took one last look at 'Coffin Closet'. "Nothing"between them huh? "Nothing" my ass.
Author's Note: heeeey sorry for not updating fast enough! Ive been lazy and busy with my new social life. Plus, I've been adding more chapters then I have originally wrote, such as chapters Mikasa, Armin, and Coffin Closet. I just want it to be easier for you guys to follow along than just through you guys in with the wolves. So if there is something you don't understand, please let me know and I'll fix it. Because what might make sense to me might not to others ya know? Anyway, thank you for being patient and reading this story!

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