Goddamnit Life

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Once the gates opened for the night class to come out, the day class students gathered around, screaming and pushing. Eren yelped and hid behind Kaname.
"Omg is that the new student?" The girls look at Eren, who was abit shy. He came out from behind Kaname and looked at the crowd slightly embarrassed.
"H-Hello, my name is E-Eren....nice to meet you." The girls squealed and Eren yelped, going behind Kaname again.
"She's so cute!"
"Nice to meet you to Eren!" Eren cleared his throat and spoke up again.
"I-I'm a guy...." The crowd silenced and stared at Eren for a few seconds.
"......WHAT?!" Kaname looked at the crowd and back to Aido.
"Aido, please distract them." Aido looked at Kaname's serious look and sighed.
"Hey, enough about the new student! Did you guys forget me?" The girls turned to Aido and squealed at him.
"Aido Sempai!!!" He got caught in a herd of girls. Kaname took this time to lead everyone away. He stops at zero and looks at him. He turned his eyes to the girls and grabs zero's shirt, pulling him into a kiss. It became silent again for a minute, then yells and sequels engaged. A few fainted.
"Omg Kaname and zero for life yay!!" Zero blushed hard and pushed Kaname off, wiping his lips.
"You blood sucking bastard!!" Kaname
Giggled and waved.
"For good luck. I shall see you later" zero glared and growled as Kaname continued to walk, waving to zero behind him. Eren was laughing slightly. Once they got to the classroom, the sun was down and Kaname went to the front of the class.
"Alright. Our plan is active starting now. Eren, I'm going to need you to start running in the forest, we will be right behind you. Eren gave Kaname a determined look and nodded. Eren quickly ran to the window, opening it and jumping down. He was greeted by Yuki and zero.
"Let's get started." Yuki looked at zero.
"Keep the area cleared." Yuki grabbed Eren's hand and began running. Kaname kept his eyes on them as they ran out to the forest.
"Alright, let's-" BOOM! The building exploded from the first floor. Kaname and everyone shook as the second floor began to collapse.
*in the forest*
Yuki and Eren stopped running to turn to see what caused the sound. They realized that the building was collapsing.
"This was not part of the plan..."
"KANAME!" Zero yelled from up in the trees. Pain filled his eyes as he began to run towards the building.
"ZERO!" Yuki jumped up and stopped in front of zero.
"We need to continue the plan!" Zero looked at her and then the building.
"But Kaname-"
"Kaname is a pure blood zero, he won't be taken down but something like this." Zero tched and looked down at his stomach.
"Um guys?" Eren pointed to the shadows heading for them. Yuki and zero tensed.
"What the hell are those?!" Zero pulled out his gun.
"Take Eren and run!" Yuki pulled out her rod. Zero grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off the branch, causing her to fall and Eren to catch her.
"I'm not loosing my sister too, now run!" Zero pulled out his gun and began firing at them.
"The baby will be fine! Now go!" Yuki wiped the tears on her sleeve and grabbed Eren's hand.
"You better make it back alive zero!" Zero smirked, shooting one in the leg.
"Don't you go start selling me short! Who do you think I am!" Yuki smiled back at him, tearful eyes. She nodded and started to run with Eren. Zero frowned at the shadows.
"Now, pay back is in order you shadowy bastards!" Zero held his gun at one of the shadow people who managed to get close and pulled the trigger.
Author's Notes: ohhhh shit! What's gonna happen?! The fuck are those shadow people? Hmmm. Anyway, sorry for missing a few days, Thanksgiving was distracting.......aaaand Black Friday.:3 but I've posted and let's see what happens! Let's hope the night class got out in time.:P

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