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Yuki led Eren through the campus, showing him the day class buildings.
"I know it's not important for you, but this is where the day class students continue their education. And over there is the girl's dorms. Oh! And over there is the boy's dorms. Here is the cafeteria..." Eren listened with interest, eager to learn. As they passed the court yard, Eren felt the eyes of the day class students.
"Who's she?""isn't it a he?""he's so pretty!""I wonder if he's single.""defiantly a night class student." Eren looked over and smiled brightly at them. The boys and girls collapsed from his cuteness. Yuki laughed nervously.
"We shouldn't get you to the night class." Eren looked at her and nodded. Yuki took Eren to a huge gate, showing her arm band to the gate keeper. The gate opened and allowed both inside.
"Oh wow!" Eren looked in amazement at the outside of the building. Yuki giggled.
"It takes some getting use to." She led him to the front and opened the door.
"This is where you'll be staying." Yuki looked at the room in awe.
"It's so clean and elegant! Is this really a dorm?" Eren ran around looking at things.
"Eren, please be care-" Eren bumped into someone, falling on his ass.
"...ful." Eren rubbed his head, groaning. He looked up into the eyes of beautiful blue. The beautiful person held out his hand. Eren looked at the hand, grateful. As he was about to grab it, the person pulled their hand back.
"Psych!" The man, at least Eren hoped so, laughed at Eren. Eren frowned and got up.
"Eren!" Yuki ran over at checked to see if Eren was okay. He gave her a reassuring smile then turned back to the man.
"That was really fucked up what you did." The man stopped laughing and looked closer at Eren.
"Aido, that was rude. What would kaname
Say about this!" Aido looked at Yuki, glaring.
"Don't threaten me, not my fault she ran into me! If anything, she should apologize!" Eren glared and put his hands on his hips.
"First off, I have a dick. Second of all, the only thing I'm sorry for is not hitting you harder you asshole!" Aido turned red, bitting his lip.
"Asshole?! How dare you speak to me that way-" Eren flipped him off.
"Oh fuck off that high horse your on. I'm already annoyed with your snobbish attitude. Who dukes your ass and didn't leave a note?" Aido grabbed Eren's shirt, raising his hand to slap him. There was a hand that reached out and grabbed aido's hand.
"It's too early for this Hanabusa." Aido turned to look at Kain.
"Kain!? What are you doing? Unhand me so I can teach this brat a lesson!" Kain sighed.
"Just let it go. Kaname will be back shortly, and you don't want him to hear that you harmed not only a new student, but the mate of King Levi." Aido gasped in surprise.
"W-What?" He turned to look at Eren, who by this time ripped the hand from his clothes and moved closer to Yuki.
"Y-Your...." Eren glared. Kain sighed.
"You couldn't tell by the immense beauty he has? You need to sharpen your mind Hanabusa." Aido gritted his teeth.
"Thank you for stopping his Kain." Yuki gave him  soft smile.
"It's whatever really. It's just tiring when he gets in trouble because I'm also blamed." Aido stuck his tongue at Kain and looked back at Eren.
"It is still morning, so you got lucky. Next time, I'll get you you foul mouthed, disrespectful-" Kain hit Aido on his head.
"Let's go Hanabusa, don't go causing trouble for no reason." He grabbed the back on Aido's shirt and starts pulling.
"I won't forget this!" Aido calls as he's dragged away by Kain. Eren looked at Yuki.
"Is everyone like that?" Yuki laughed nervously.
"N-Not really...." Eren sighed and looked at the hallway Aido and Kain left in. He crossed his arms sighing.
"Great, What a bunch of snobs."
Author's Notes: Told you I'd update more often.:p

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