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*An hour later*
Eren's eyes slowly opened to meet the baroness of the room. The only thing that stood out were blood red eyes and a mouth covered in blood. Eren froze in fear as the monster reached out and touched Eren's cheek.
"E-Eren?" A deep, demonic voice reached his ears. The monster rubbed his cheek while he leaned over Eren, blood from his mouth dripping onto Eren's face.
"Eren......Eren.....Eren....." Eren noticed the monster was crying trails of blood. Eren's eyes started to adjust to the darkness and he looked closer. He gasped realizing the monster was Levi. Eren flinched when Levi leaned closer and licked his cheek. Eren winced in pain but Levi kept licking his wounds, repeating his name in a sad, hoarse voice.
"Eren.....Eren..." Levi raked his razor sharp teeth across Eren's neck. He licked it clean before breaking the skin. Eren groaned as Levi sucked hard. He eventually stopped and rubbed his cheek against Eren's neck and purred. Eren carefully patted Levi's head, hoping to draw Levi to his senses.
"Levi....." Levi looked up at Eren and growled angerly. He grabbed Eren's arms and brought Eren face to face, surprising and frightening Eren. Levi growled out in his horrific voice.
"What were you thinking! HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" Levi was shaking with anger and barred his teeth.
"Do you WANT to die?!" Eren began sobbing.
"M'sorry levi." Eren thought best about telling Levi about the key, that's for a better time. Levi brought Eren close with a hug.
"I-I thought I lost you..."Eren felt a warm sticky substance wet his shoulder. He pulled back as far as Levi would let him to see him crying more blood.
"Oh Levi...."Eren kissed Levi's eyelids and licked the blood from his eyes.
"You can't kill me off that easily." Eren smiled lightly, trying to brighten the mood. Levi opened his eyes, his normal eye color showing. He smiled lightly.
"Like a damn cockroach." His voice was back to its deep silky one. Eren scoffed and looked around them. He noticed he was in his own bed and found his room messier than before.
"....what happened when I was.....out?" Levi's face fell.
"......he was hurting you....he deserves to be punished." Eren looks at him confused and held onto Levi's hands.
"Who?" Eren was scared to know the answer. Levi just looked over to the corner of the room. Eren's eyes followed his, widening in shock.
".......father?" Eren started to shake at the sight of the blood pooled underneath him. Levi put a hand under Eren's chin and forced him to look at him.
"He's not dead, not yet anyway. I just made sure he won't be able to move." Levi smirked devilishly.
"B-But-" Eren was at lost for words. Sure his father was a horrible person and was the last person on earth to get a dad of the year award, but he was still Eren's father. Levi frowned.
"He hurt you Eren, mentally and physically!" Levi nearly growled. Why was Eren protecting this human trash?! Eren made a whimpering sound, as if his mate was angery with him. Levi stroked Eren's face, hushing him.
"It's alright love, no one will hurt you anymore." Levi nuzzles Eren comfortingly.
A sound by the window drew their attention. Two bats flew in. Erwin and Hanji.
"King Levi!" Hanji landed and transformed into her human form, Erwin right behind her. They both analyzed the room and found a blood covered Levi, and half dead looking man, and a frighten and beaten Eren. Erwin had an idea at what went down.
"What.....what ha-" Levi cut Hanji off.
"He hurt Eren, I will not let it go." Levi commanded. Erwin stepped forward and bowed his head, Hanji following suit.
"Of course sir." Hanji straighten up and went to go check out Levi, seeing his light pants that would go unnoticed by anyone but her.
"Levi, your not suppose to push yourself! Nor are you Eren, you just completed your transformation into a fertile! What am I going to do with you two!" Hanji was ready to pull her hair out. Eren's face went red with embarrassment and nodded.
"S-sorry..." Levi just glared hard at Hanji.
"How am I suppose to rest when my mate runs off towards danger?!" Eren frowned.
"B-But you were asleep! I didn't want to wake you and you over exert yourself!" Levi snapped.
"And look how well that turned out! I can feel when your away, I felt your distress and had to wake up! Luckily you hurt your hand so I could find your location by scent. What were you thinking you stupid boy?! You nearly got yourself killed!" Levi was rilled up, and sent himself into a choke sounding coughing fit. Hanji and Eren were right on him and felt his forehead as he panted.
"He's too hot, we need to take him home. NOW." Hanji lifted Levi with ease because he was light and ill. Levi looked over at Eren with worry. He reached out weakly. Eren went over to Levi and took his hand gently. Levi grabbed it and brought Eren closer and looked over Eren's shoulder at Dr. Yeagar with hate. Erwin noticed and raised an eyebrow.
"Want us to take him too?" Levi looked feverishly at Erwin.
".....d-dungeon.." Erwin felt a smile on his lips as he went over and picked up Dr. Yeagar.
"I will see to it, my king." Levi nodded and motioned to go. Hanji picked Eren up on her back with struggle and carried them back.
All Hanji could think of was how they were going to bring Levi's fever down, Eren thought about Levi and his father, and Levi was just....out.

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