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Ymir pulled up to the castle, with the help of Eren to get them past the gates. Ymir parked and got out.
" I'll help you carry him inside." She goes over and gets Levi out with some help, knocking Levi's head on the door.
"Oops." She turned to Krista.
" will you stay and watch the car? I'll be back as soon as possible." Eren got out of the car and goes over to help Ymir. Krista smiled gently.
"Alright, be quick please." Ymir squealed.
"Your so cute Krista! If I could I'd hug you!" Eren lead the way to the front and opened the door.
"Follow me, I'll show you." Eren led the way to his and Levi's room. Ymir dropped Levi on the bed, causing Eren to giggle. Ymir turned to him and smirked.
"Glad to be of service. Anyway, if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to call okay?"Eren smiled.
"I will, thank y- oh no! I didn't tell Armin or Mikasa I was leaving!" Before Eren could panic, Ymir held up a hand to shut him up.
"Don't worry about it, I already had Krista message them." Eren sighed in relief.
"So, will we see you at school?" Eren looked at her confused.
"Of course, why wouldn't you?" Ymir shrugged and turned to leave.
"See you around Eren." She left the room. Eren called after her.
"Thank you!" Eren turned to Levi sleeping soundly and smiled. He laid on the bed and curled next to Levi. Erwin knocked on the door, calling for Levi and Eren.
"Come in." Erwin came in and wrinkled his nose.
"I'm guessing King Levi had a few drinks?" Eren giggled and nodded.
"Probably more than a few." He ran his hand through Levi's hair with one hand, and started unbuttoning his shirt with the other. Erwin blushed and looked away.
"Q-Queen Eren....we need to talk." Eren stopped and looked up at Erwin.
"Yeah?" Erwin cleared his throat.
".....because of your...change, Levi took it upon himself to enroll you in a night class at Cross Academy." Eren looked at Erwin and laughed.
"Erwin, I'm fine in the sun. I can continue my classes as they are-" he was cut off by Erwin's serious tone.
"You don't understand the dangers of being a fertile in an all human school. It is dangerous for both you and Levi." Eren stood up and glared.
"I can take care of myself Erwin, I don't need to be looked after, I'm no kid!" Erwin opened his mouth as to say something but quickly closed it. He looked at the quick tempered beauty and sighed.
"I will see you two tomorrow night......please, think about it." He bowed and left the room. After a few minutes, Eren sighed and looked at Levi. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and laid his head down on his chest.
"Good night my love." Eren closed his eyes and fell asleep.
*three hours later*
Ring ring ring.
Eren stirred in his sleep and searched his bedside for his phone. He grabbed it and shut off the alarm. He sat up grumbling and rubbed his eyes.
"Wha t'me iz it?" Eren looked closer at the screen then gasped.
"Shit!" He jumped out of bed and turned to make sure Levi was still sleeping. Yep, like a baby. He quickly got dressed and looked into the mirror. Unlike his more manly form, his hair is now to his hips. Eren groaned.
"I don't have time to do much about this!" Eren turned to find a rubber band and tied his hair up samurai style. He turned his head side to side and grunted.
"I look even more feminine!" His Alarm for 8 minutes went off and he closed the closet door.
"I'll deal with it later!" He ran out of the room, thanking his stars Levi was still asleep. Eren stopped at the door and quickly went over to Levi, kissed his nose and sped back out of the room. As he made his way outside he was overwhelmed by the heat and brought his hood up.
"This days gunna suck." He started to pant and ran for school. By the time he made it he was panting and had 5 minutes left until class started. It seems the transformation have given him speed.
" sucked." He panted and crawled up the steps to the front doors. He opened them and was greeted by cool air, refreshing him. He laid on the floor taking in the coolness, closing his eyes and spread his arms and legs.
"This feels great!" He giggles. He opened his eyes to see many eyes of lust toward him. One guy came over to him and held out a hand.
"Need any help madam?" Eren's temper grew and he stood up, kneeing the guy in the stomach.
"I'm a guy dickhead!" Eren yelled at the guy falling to the floor and stormed off. Eren felt eyes on him when he entered his classroom. Eren tried to focus taking out his stuff from his desk. The guys looked at him in lust and the pencil in Eren's snapped in half.
"I still have my dick guys!" He threw the pieces at them. Everyone looked away except his friends, who came in to Eren yelling. Mikasa looked shocked at Eren and ran over to him, grabbing his arm and pulled him out of his seat. She got in his face slightly.
"What are you doing here?" She whispered yell.
"Ummm to get an education?" Eren pulled his arm back.
"You shouldn't be here!" She stressed and Eren felt offended.
"And why not?! Just because I changed alittle doesn't mean I can't attend school as a normal person!" Mikasa grew angry.
"That's exactly what it means!"she yelled. Armin came over to them.
"L-lets take this outside the classroom-" Mikasa cut him off.
"Eren, as a fertile, you give off more pheromones to humans! You have no idea what they will do to you!" Eren opened his mouth to reply but the teaches entered.
"Alright everyone, get into your seats and let's begin." Mikasa and Eren glared at eachother for a second before Eren sat back down. Mikasa stood for a few more seconds and sat in her seat. Armin looked between them and sighed.
"This is going to be a long day."
Authors note: I suck at updating. Probably pretty obvious. But now I put everything from my notebook here, so now I'm just going to be free styling. So if I come back and mess with the chapters, coming up, it's because I have no idea how I want to get to the ending. But I do have an ending!:D I'm brainstorming as we speak! Anyway, thank you for putting up with my inactive updating. But yeah....thank you for reading and I hope you'll continue to follow!:D

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