The Wedding

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Eren held his black and red roses close to his heart, as he walked down the aisle with Mikasa.
The red veil covered his face, and Armin held up his dress in the back. Mikasa held on tightly to Eren's arm and leaned in.
"You look beautiful Eren." He chuckled softly as they continued walking.
"I'm not sure a man would feel grateful after hearing that, especially if I can't see." Mikasa chuckled and brought Eren to the front. Eren could see a blurry image of his fiancée wearing a red vest with a cape. Everyone was required to wear black, making it harder to see anyone else but the man in front of him. Levi took Eren's hands and kissed them. The preacher began to speak, but all Eren could do was think about how gentle Levi was touching his hands. How loving and handsome he was. How lucky Eren was to be with him. Eren unconsciously smiled at the thought of their baby growing inside of him, the proof of their everlasting love. Then he thought about their future, raising their kid and hanging out with friends. Then come back to their room to become one again.

"Do you take this man, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do you part?" Eren smiled up at levi.
"I do."  Levi gave Eren a small squeeze. The preacher looked at Levi.

"And do you take this man-"
"I do, I don't need a repeat." The preacher cleared his throat.

"Well then.....if you may put your blood in this cup." Eren took the knife on the pillow, slicing his wrist as blood poured out into the cup. Levi took the knife from Eren and repeated the action.
"Now, sip from the blood of life." Levi drank some and then handed it to Eren. Eren finished it off.
"You may now kiss." Levi reached over and pulled the veil back. Eren looked at Levi in awe. He had his hair slicked back, and the red vest squeezes him in all the right places. The only thing iffy was the cape, but it was tradition. Levi leaned in and kissed Eren passionantly. Eren melted into the kiss and they stayed like that for awhile. Levi pulled back and wiped some blood off of Eren's lip, licking it.
"I pronounce you man, and mate!" Eren smiled and grabbed Levi's tie, brining him down to kiss him again. Levi kissed back almost

"Eren! Throw the bouquet!" Hanji jumped up and down excitedly. Eren chuckled and turned around. He threw it in the air and Hanji shoved  Ymir out of the way to catch it.

"I got it!!! Yeah!" Eren chuckled and looked at Levi. Levi wrapped an arm around his waist.

"I love you." Eren leaned in closer.

"I love you too."

Authors note: I had no idea how I wanted to finish this story, but I decided it needed to be finished. So I made it simple short and sweet. Sorry if it sucked, but I really was like 'fuck it' and wrote something. Thank you for sticking to this story for as long as you have, and I appreciate all your comments and love!

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