What You've All Been Waiting For

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Eren and Levi decided to go back to Eren's hometown, receiving many gifts and hugs from the Nightclass and Dayclass alike. It was sunrise and the Dayclass were already out. Eren stuck close to Levi once the Dayclass students caught sight of Levi. Levi chuckled and put an arm around Eren.
"There is no need for jealousy love." He kissed the top of Eren's head. Eren blushed and laid his head on Levi's chest. The Dayclass students squealed and giggled at the sight of Eren and Levi. Yet, once they heard they are leaving, all the Dayclass students began to cry.
"But, we just formed an Eren fanclub!" The girls held up a poster of a smiling Eren. Eren coughed.
"How did they get that?" He shivered at the though. Levi just looked at it and in a blink of an eye, the poster was gone. The girls began to freak out and searched the floor.
"Where did it go? We need to put it in the Nightclass worship room!!" Levi guided Eren to the limo. Eren held flowers, candles, and stuffed animals.
"So...much...stuff...." Eren and Levi said goodbye to everyone. Eren came to stop at Kaname.
"So what are their names?" Kaname smiled lightly, wishing his babies and lover were here and out of the hospital.
"Ai and Nai." Eren smiled.
"How cute!" Eren smiled. Yuki ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
"We'll miss you Eren!" She cried. Eren hugged her back, dropping everything.
"I'll miss you all too." Yuki pulled back and took his hand, placing a bracelet on his wrists.
"If you ever need anything, place some blood on the locker." Eren laughed nervously.
"How gruesome. Ah, I realized something. Your hair became long that time in the church-"
"Aaaaah looks like it time for you to go!"Yuki took the stuff on the floor and gave it to Eren.
"Good luck!" Eren laughed.
"You too. Tell zero and the babies I wish them well!" Levi held the door open for Eren, seeing the sun was coming up more.
"Let's go Eren, before we all burn." Eren nodded and quickly went in, placing all the stuff he received on the floor board. Eren waved by to everyone as they drove from the academy. Once the academy was out of sight, Eren looked at Levi. He continued to stare until Levi looked at him.
"Wha-" Eren took Levi's face.
"Are you okay?" Levi sighed, annoyed by the worried look on Eren's face.
"Yeah yeah, good as new and shit. Question is, are you? You did get hurt from that bastard. Oh! You haven't been eating have you?" Eren kissed Levi's cheek.
"I'm fine, and I can eat when we get back." Levi glared down. He sighed and closed his eyes, ripping his button shirt down.
"Like I'm going to let you go hungry." Levi tilted his head. Eren shook his head violently.
"N-no Levi! You just recovered from silver poisoning! You're not-"
"Is it going to be a fight everytime I try to get you to feed?" Levi glared at Eren. Eren gulped.
".............ye-....no-...maybe?" Levi growled and Eren tensed.
"Alright alright......if you're fine-"
"Of course I'm fine, not start sucking." Levi grabbed Eren's head and shoved it near Levi's neck. Eren looked at it for a few seconds and sniffed Levi's scent, becoming more familiar with it. He licked him tenderly and slowly sank his fangs in Levi's neck.
"Nnn" Levi moaned out as Eren began to feed. After Eren was done, he pulled back, mouth covered in blood and saliva.
"More....I want more...I want you..." Eren pulled down his Nightclass skirt, fumbling with Levi's buckle. In one quick motion, Levi flipped Eren over on his back on the seat.
"I'll take over from here." Levi growled, causing Eren to become wet.
"Take me....please..." Levi bend down, kissing Eren passionately. He ripped his own pants off, as Eren pulled down Levi's boxers. He took Levi's member in his hands, squeezing gently.
"I want....you inside me..."Levi pulled Eren's hands up over his head, sliding his member inside of Eren. Eren moaned in pleasure as Levi began to rock against him.
"Please levi....please....." Levi rocked harder, leaning down to bite at Eren's neck. As Levi began feeding from Eren, Eren bite in Levi and sucked from pleasure. They pulled back and passionantly kissed, mouth full of blood and saliva.
"Eren....I'm...I'm going to..." Eren licked at Levi's mouth.
"Please....inside me...."Levi released inside of Eren, catching his breath. Eren reached climax as well. Levi gently pulled out and sat back, bringing Eren to his chest. They were a mess of blood, cum, and saliva.
"That was our first....wasn't it?" Eren giggled, kissing Levi's bare chest.
"I believe so...." Levi kissed the top of Eren's head.
"Perfect." Levi closed his eyes, falling asleep. Eren giggled and rubbed circles on Levi's chest.
"I love you Levi." He closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Author's Notes: there. The sex scene eeeeeveryone wanted. I warned ya, I'm not good at writing smut, just fluff. So if this sucks,
I'm sorry.:/ but this is my best. Now only a few chapters left to finish up the story!

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