Drunk In Love

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Once downstairs, Eren let go of Armin and turned to see Levi and Mikasa having a drinking contest. Armin turned his head and chuckled.
"Well, at least they're getting along, right Eren?" Armin looked back to Eren to find he was gone.
"Eren?!" Armin looked around frantically. Eren was entering the kitchen and grabbed himself a beer. Jean entered with Reiner, Eren's back to him. Abit tipsy, Jean elbowed Reiner and gestured to Eren's figure.
"Well well well, look at this pretty woman." Eren heard Jean and sighed, feeling bad for anyone who was being hit on by horse face. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder and a hot, low voice in his ear did he realize Jean was talking to him.
"What's a fine, young thing like you doing here by yourself?" Eren rolled his eyes and shivered in disgust. He quickly turned around and punched Jean in the gut, causing him to step back. Reiner took a better look at Eren as Jean was recovering from the hit.
".....Eren?" Eren took a swig from his drink and crossed his arms.
"Well I certainly ain't no pretty little thing!"
By this time, Jean recovered and looked closer at Eren's face. Eren felt uncomfortable with the stares he was receiving.
" what do you want horse face?!" Eren snapped. Jean went white when he realized it really was Eren.
" oh my god Eren, you look like a chick...a hot chick!" Jean quickly went red as Reiner chuckled. Eren scoffed.
"Yeah, well that's what happens when your a fertile blood sucker. Feminine or not, I can still kick your ass." He smirked. Jean's blush dissapeared and he glared at Eren.
"Don't make me shove my boot up your fruity ass!" Eren put his beer down and rolled up his sleeves, smirking.
"It's been too long since I put you in your place I see." Jean puffed out his chest in an imitating way. Before anyone in the room could see, Eren quickly gave Jean a right hook.
"OW!" Eren grabbed his throbbing hand and rubbed his knuckles. Jean recovered fast.
"Looks like no ply do you look like a woman, you hit like one too!" Jean laughed.
"Shut up horse face!" Eren went to hit Jean again, but it seems someone beat him to the punch. Literally.
"What about hitting like a girl ugly?!" Ymir knocked Jean down and stomped on him. Eren felt a tug on his sleeve and turned his head. He was greeted by a gentle smile from Krista.
"It's okay Eren, Ymir will handle Jean." Eren smiled back and heard Ymir still beating Jean.
"Gonna talk shit huh? Talk shit get hit!" Ymir beat the shit outta Jean for a good five minutes until she was certain he was knocked out. She looked over at Reiner and pointed at him demonically.
"Your next you unhelpful piece of shit!" Reiner jumped and ran out, Ymir close on his tail. Eren chuckled as he watched Krista walk in the direction they left. He grabbed his beer and before he could take a swig, he felt arms being wrapped around him from behind, and a body pressed closely to his back.
"Mmmm youz mell gooooood." Levi burries his face into Eren's neck, causing Eren to blush hard.
"L-Levi, y-your drunk!" Eren tried to break free from Levi's drunken grasp. Levi purred and nuzzles even further.
"Nuh uh, youz juz mell good." Levi ran his tongue up Eren's neck, causing him to blush harder and moan. He gasped in surprise at the animalistic sound he produced. Levi smirked and placed his hands on the front of Eren's pants, rubbing the fabric, earning another moan from Eren.
"L-Levi, n-not here..."Levi made a growling noise and turned Eren around, pushing him into the wall. He pushed against Eren, grinding on his crotch.
"Eren...iz want you...sooo bad..." Levi took Eren's mouth with his and kissed him passionantly. Levi's hands trailed down to Eren's butt and squeezed. Eren yelped.
"L-Levi...." The sound of someone clearing their voice made Eren freeze. He looked over Levi's shoulder and saw a smirking Krista. Eren went red with embarrassment as Levi continued to grind on him.
"L-Levi stop-"Levi collapsed into Eren. Eren caught him panicking.
"Levi?!" He stopped when he heard the soft snores produced by his mate. He sighed.
"Of course you'd fall asleep right when things got hot and heavy." Krista giggled, popping out of nowhere.
"Maybe it's time for Levi and you to go home." Eren chuckled and positioned Levi into a less provocative position.
"I believe your right." Ymir came over to Krista and pecked her cheek. She looked over at Eren and Levi, raising an eyebrow.
"Need a ride?" Eren struggled enough holding Levi up, he couldn't imagine carrying him.
"I-if that's okay...." Krista giggled as Ymir took Levi from Eren and picked him up bride style.
"It's cool, don't worry about it." She led the way out to the car and put Levi in the backseat. Eren held Levi's head in his lap and stroked his hair.
"Thank you Ymir, Krista." Ymir started the car as Krista buckled up and messed with the radio.
"Of course, we know how difficult it must be for you Eren, so if you need anything, please call us." Krista smiled gently at Eren.
Eren looks at Krista with admiration.
"Krista, has anyone ever told you you're an angel?" Krista chuckled and she took Ymir's hand.
"Only for Ymir." Krista winks at Ymir, causing Ymir to blush. Krista beamed.
"Oh, I love this song!" Turns the radio up more.
"I don't want anybody else.
When I think about you, I touch myself."
Authors note: 4 THOUSAND VIEWS?!?! OMG THANK YOU!! This is insane! I thought 3 thousand would be my high point, but 4 thousand?! Damn....thank you all for reading and commenting and favoriting this story. I really wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys. I really appreciate this. I know I haven't been posting regularly, but college is kicking my ass...but thank you for sticking with me! I hope to hear from you all again!

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