Prolouge: It's a Boy

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This is my first time writing a story, so please don't hate this story or my writing. Since this is my first story, this will have mistakes in it, and I apologize in advance for that. All of this story is unedited. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to tell me!

Quick A/N: Before the story begins, I would like to give a very special shoutout to emarsh1999 (Go check out his stories!) for making the cover page of Matt-038! Thanks so much, man!!! :-)

If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

Now onto the story. I hope y'all enjoy!!! :-)

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Prologue: It's a Boy

Location: Sol system, planet Earth

February 19, 2511

0420 hours

Chief Petty Officer Tom "Preacher" Walker was pacing around the waiting room, where he could hear his wife, Lena, giving birth to their first child.

"Will you calm the fuck down, Preacher?" Voodoo asked. "You're making my head spin and I'm getting a headache."

"No," Preacher murmured. "I want to be inside that room with her to comfort her. Hear her screaming is making my heart break."

"Lena will be fine, Tom," Mother told him. "This is what happens when a woman is giving birth."

Preacher spun around and snapped, "What the hell do you know about what happens when a woman gives birth. You've never even had a child."

Mother just simply shrugged. "I read up on it in case me and my wife could have kids of our own one day."

"I wish Rabbit could be here," Tom said as he continued to pace around the waiting room. "He would've loved to see this moment."

Jack "Rabbit" Pravdin was the only member of their team who was not in the room. He had been KIA on a mission a few months ago. His wife, Claire, had taken the news of her husband's death hard.

And now that Claire was expecting her first child in four months and the child would have no father, her husband's death was affecting her a lot harder.

Rabbit's remaining three teammates kept visiting her frequently to check on her and the child.

Voodoo sighed. "Yeah he would, but he would also tell you to calm the hell down and force your ass to sit in a chair."

"Unfortunately, he's gone and there's no way to bring him back," Mother said sadly.

Preacher pulled out Rabbit's lucky rabbit foot out of his pocket that he always carried with him.

"You still have that thing?" Mother asked. "I thought you gave it to Claire?"

Preacher looked Mother straight in the eye. "I tried to give it to her, but she doesn't want it. She told me that she cries every time she sees that rabbit foot and she couldn't stand to look at it. Claire told me I could keep it."

Mother opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it pretty quickly and closed his mouth. Instead, he just nodded his head sympathetically, indicating that he understood.

Finally, the doctor came out of the operating room and Preacher barreled by him. He entered the room to see his wife holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket in her arms.

"It's a boy, Tom," said Lena.

"A boy. What shall we name him?" he asked his wife.

"I'm thinking... Matthew James Walker," she replied.

"Matthew! That's perfect, honey. Matthew, it is." Tom said as he leaned down and kissed his wife on the cheek.

Tom then leaned down and whispered to his wife. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna tell Mother and Voodoo about the baby."

"Why can't you stay?" Lena asked.

"You know they'll want to know the name and sex of the baby, my love," he said.

Lena sighed. "Yes, your right. But please don't be gone too long."

Tom leaned down and kissed the baby and then his wife. "I won't be gone long. I promise."

"You better keep that promise, Tom," she scowled at him.

"You know I never break my promises to you, my love," he said as he exited the room.

When he entered the waiting room, Mother and Voodoo leaped to their feet.

"Well?" Voodoo asked impatiently. "What's the name and sex of the baby?"

"It's a boy," he answered.

And what's the boy's name?" Mother asked.

"Matthew. Matthew James Walker."

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story was originally posted and started on, but I decided to move it to Wattpad.

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