Chapter 11: Friends Come and Go

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 10: Friends Come and Go

Location: UNSC Bunker Hill, en route to 111 Tauri system

April 28, 2531

1200 hours

Matt was sitting on the floor in the Spartan barracks room, meditating and practicing zen. Linda was right across from him. Suddenly, Linda opened her eyes and tapped him on back of his hand.

"Hey do you want to go to the gym?" Linda asked.

Matt opened his eyes and answered. "Yeah, sure. I need something to do to release the boredom."

Linda chuckled. "Same here."

Matt got to his feet and offered a hand to Linda to help her up, which she took.

"Come on, let's go, then," Matt said. They exited the room and navigated through the corridors of the Bunker Hill until they reached the gym. When they got to the gym, they saw John and Kelly practicing on a mat. Kelly had a practice knife in her hand and was sparring with John. They saw Kelly pin John to the mat and pressed the practice knife to his neck. Kelly helped John to his feet and turned to the duo when they entered the room.

"Well, it looks like she won again, huh?" Matt said.

"Yeah, she did," John answered.

"Well, what brought you guys here?" Kelly asked.

"We wanted to release our boredom," Linda replied.

"Zen getting boring for your guys?" John asked.

Nah it's not boring, it's just boring without not much to do," Matt said.

Kelly chuckled and said, "Figured you'd say that, Matt. You guys practice zen practically 24/7."

Well it's nice seeing you guys, but I'm going to bench press," Matt said and walked off.

Linda looked after him and said, "You know it's dangerous to lift without a spotter?"

He looked back at her over his shoulder and said, "Yeah I know. You wanna spot for me, Red?"

Linda blushed very slightly and replied, "Yeah, sure."

"See you guys later?" John asked as he and Kelly walked towards the doorway.

"Yeah we'll see you guys later," Linda said as John and Kelly walked out of the gym. The two waved to their friends as they exited the gym and went to god knows where.

"Alright, let's go," Matt said.

They walked over to where the weights were at the far side of the room. Matt went to one of the bars and starting putting weights on either side of the bar. He put an easy an amount that he could lift, 300 lbs. Then he would increase by 50 lbs after doing 200 reps.

"By the way, I saw that blush," he said as he put the last 50 lbs on the bar.

"Was I that obvious?" she asked.

"To John and Kelly, maybe not. To me on the other hand, you were pretty obvious," he replied.

"How'd you see that?" she asked.

Matt sat down and prepared to grab the bar off of the rack just above his head. He laughed, "I have a lot better eyesight than you think I do, Red," he replied. He then grabbed the bar and started bench pressing.

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