Chapter 88: Love and Duty

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 88: Love and Duty

Location: Vandenberg Base, Spartan Barracks

October 13, 2552

0800 hours

Linda had another dream at the tree, only this time she was heading for it. When she arrived she found Matt holding someone else.

"Sorry, Linda," said Alice, "but he's mine."

Linda tried to cry out but suddenly her voice was gone and she started falling into a black void. Linda arrived back in reality and immediately sat up in bed. When Linda realized she was naked and who she was sharing the bed with, a flurry of memories from the night before came back.

'I slept with him!' Linda thought to herself as she looked back at him, still sleeping. He had the sheets pulled up to his waist, obscuring his lower features. 'Was this the right decision?' Linda thought as her mind wandered to the night before.

It was intense, passionate, and Matt did things to her that even she didn't think were possible. Parts of her lower body were sore from Matt's moves, but the pain was worth it.

Linda had never felt pleasure like that in her entire life. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down her back, but Linda knew that this couldn't continue, both their careers would be at stake.

Linda carefully removed one of the sheets and wrapped it around her body, then stood up. Her fatigues were still wet so she decided to walk over to her bunk and get a fresh set, but she didn't get that far.

Matt grabbed her slender arm and pulled her back to the bed. Linda landed on top of him and Matt flipped her over to face her.

He ran a hand through her red hair and gradually pulled her head closer to his until their lips met once again. When Linda backed her head away Matt saw an awkward expression on her face.

"You think this was a mistake?" he asked.

"I don't know, Commander," said Linda. "I mean, I wanted this, I forced you."

"We both wanted this," said Matt as he cuffed one side of her face with his hand. She smiled a bit, reassured by his words. "What we have is special, no one can take it from us."

Linda could feel the temptation rising in her again. 'We can't do this,' she kept saying in her head.

"Do you want to go again?" Matt asked.

'Damn him,' Linda said to herself. She could feel Matt remove the sheet covering her body, his hands as they ran across her body. She shivered at the places he was feeling and could finally stand it no longer, she surrendered to her temptations.

It started with their kisses but even they grew out of control, he stated with her lips but he gradually worked his way down, kissing the scar she got when she was nine then moving on to the ones inflicted by her operations to resuscitate her. Linda didn't stop him and joined in the kissing frenzy and slowly kissed the side of his neck and moved to his chest.

Eventually, Matt forced Linda under the same sheet and flipped her over so he was on top. Linda knew what was coming and her mind screamed for it. He thrust in and waves of pleasure and pain soared through Linda. She began to moan and Matt remedied this with a kiss. Linda could barely breathe, her stamina was being drained at an alarming rate.

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