Chapter 44: Not the Covenant

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 44: Not the Covenant

Location: Pelican Echo 419, approaching Covenant Arms Cache

D +58:36:31 (SPARTAN-II Blue Team Mission Clock)

Echo 419's engines roared as the Pelican descended through the darkness and rain into the swamp. The surrounding foliage whipped back and forth in response to the sudden turbulence, the water beneath the transport's metal belly was pressed flat, and the stench of rotting vegetation flooded the aircraft's cargo compartment as the ramp splashed into the evil-looking brew below.

Foehammer was at the controls and it was her voice that came over the radio. "The last transmission from the Captain's ship was from this area. When you locate Captain Keyes, radio in and I'll come to pick you up."

The Spartans stepped down off the ramp and immediately found themselves calf-deep in oily-looking water.

"Be sure to bring us some towels,"
Matt said.

The pilot laughed, fed more fuel to the engines, and the ship pushed itself up out of the swamp.

The Spartans checked their threat indicators, found nothing of concern, and allowed the swamp to close in around them. "Make friends with your environment." That's what Chief Mendez had told them many years ago—and the advice had served them well. By listening to the constant patter of the rain, feeling the warm humid air via his vents, and seeing the shapes natural to the swamp, the Spartans would know what belonged and what didn't. The knowledge that could mean the difference between life and death.

Satisfied that they were attuned to the environment around them and hopeful of gaining a better vantage point, they climbed a slight rise. The payoff was immediate.

The Pelican had gone in less than sixty meters from the spot where Echo 419 had dropped them off—but the surrounding foliage was so thick Foehammer had been unable to see the crash site from the air.

"Hmm... judging from the damage, it looks like a possible mechanical failure either that or the Covenant brought it down," Crystal observed.

"Perhaps you're right," Matt said.

"Let's go check it out," John said.

The Spartans moved in to inspect the wreckage. Judging from appearances, and the fact that there weren't many bodies lying around, the ship had crashed during takeoff, rather than on landing. The impression was confirmed when he discovered that while they were dressed in fatigues, all of the casualties wore Naval insignia.

That suggested that the dropship had landed successfully, discharged all of its Marine passengers, and was in the process of lifting off when a mechanical failure or enemy fire had brought the aircraft down.

Satisfied that they had a basic understanding of what had taken place, the Spartans were about to leave when Matt spotted a few shotguns lying next to one of the bodies. Deciding it might come in handy, Matt grabbed one, slipped the sling over his right shoulder. He tossed the other to the Chief.

"There might Covenant in the area," Crystal cautioned. "Stay alert."

They followed a trail of bootprints away from the Pelican and toward the glow of portable work lights—the same kind of lights they'd seen in the area around the Truth and Reconciliation. The aliens were certainly industrious, especially when it came to stealing everything that wasn't nailed down.

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