Chapter 20: Back to the Battlefield

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Author's Note: Thanks to everyone for all the support! You've been great with inspiring me, and I am highly appreciative of your input. If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 20: Back to the Battlefield

3 years later...

Location: Zeta Doradus system, planet Onyx, Camp Currahee

May 17, 2544

0800 hours

After eating breakfast, Matt headed to his office at Camp Currahee. He figured that the training of the recruits of Beta Company was going along well and he taught everything that the Beta Spartans he had trained. He knew that they wouldn't need much more training.

He was going to gather his belongings because he put in a request to Kurt to let him go back to active duty. He wanted to go back to active duty after what happened to Alpha Company.

He felt sad every time he thought about what he saw that day 3 years ago and he felt like he couldn't train anymore because of it.

Kurt had told him last night that he had gotten a decision back from Ackerson. He was going to tell Matt the decision this morning before training started.

Matt entered his office and started to pack up the remaining things he had to pack, then he headed for Kurt's office across the hall. Once he was standing just outside, he raised his hand and knocked twice.

"Come in," Kurt called out from the other side of the door. Matt opened the door, walked in and sat down in the chair in front of Kurt's desk. "You told me last night you had a decision,"  he said.

"Yeah, I do," Kurt said as he shuffled some papers around.

"Well, what is it?" Matt asked.

"The decision was approved," Kurt announced with a smile. "I can tell you've been wanting to get back into combat for years, am I right?"

"Yeah, you're right," Matt said. "I feel like I'd be better in combat then stuck somewhere training military recruits all day and I get restless if I'm not experiencing any action. Also, what you proposed to Ackerson about Gamma company feels wrong to me... no offense intended."

Kurt waved his concern away. "None taken. I understand completely."

"When do I ship out?" Matt asked.

"Tomorrow," Kurt replied. "You'll be taking a quick flight to the UNSC Marathon where you'll be reunited with Spartan II's."

"Do you know which Spartans I'll be meeting?" Matt asked.

"Unfortunately, no I don't," Kurt replied.

Matt nodded. "Alright."

Kurt stood up and held out his hand. "The Chief and I will miss having you around here to help us train more Spartans."

Matt stood up and shook Kurt's hand. "I'll miss training these Spartans but it's time for me to move on."

Kurt nodded. "I understand. I'm sure the Chief would understand as well. Good luck out there. Don't get yourself killed."

Matt laughed. "Thanks, Kurt and don't you remember the old saying?"

Kurt arched an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side. "What old saying?"

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