Chapter 85: Old Times

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 85: Old Times

Location: Sol system, planet Earth, Vandenberg Base

September 29, 2552

0930 hours

Linda sat on the floor of the barracks before a disassembled SRS99C, inspecting the various components. She wasn't in her armor, which was a first for a Spartan. Baker had over the past couple of days worked with Linda of trying to break her of her shy habits.

After trying out a day without the armor Linda started to feel more relaxed and so she tried it another day, and then another until she just wore a standard gray uniform most of the time. Matt, Fred, John, and Will still stayed inside their armor.

Matt had started to notice her new behavior so today he showed up in the morning wearing the same gray uniform as Linda.

"Why the change?" Linda asked him.

"I wanted to see why you found it so interesting" Matt replied. "Can't say I've found the appeal again. Although these uniforms will come in handy later on."

"Why's that?" Linda asked.

"I should probably tell you our orders," said Matt as he sat down on the bunk in front of Linda. "HIGHCOM is splitting up Blue Team, Fred and Will are being transferred to Songnam for the remainder of leave. John is being transferred to Cairo Station, but that might change."


"It's part of their plan to fortify Earth for when the Covenant show up" Matt explained. "Command has been reactivating a lot of old bases on the planet just in case the covenant invade Earth instead of glassing it. They want the Spartans separated if the Covenant decided to begin with an orbital bombardment."

"No sense in having us all together where they can just take us out with ease," said Linda. "So I guess you and I are staying here?"

"Yes," said Matt.

Linda looked away for a minute. She was concerned that the UNSC would choose now to split up the Spartans, but on the other hand, Linda liked the idea of just her and Matt, alone together until that happens. She started getting the same feeling again, Linda was starting to find it increasingly annoying.

"I wanted to ask you something" Matt continued, "do you want to come with me to see an old friend?"

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Location: Sol system, planet Earth, South Carolina

September 29, 2552

1100 hours

Matt and Linda walked up to the door of a simple two-story house in rural South Carolina. A woman with black hair was waiting for them in the open door.

"I never thought I'd see you two again," she said.

"Hello, Maria," said Matt, "its been a long time."

"Too long," Maria replied. "Come on in, we've got some catching up to do."

Linda and Matt entered Maria's home and she ushered them both into the living room. There were various pictures of her and another man up on the mantle.

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