Chapter 21: A New Discovery

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 21: A New Discovery

Location: Beta Delphi system, UNSC Marathon, in orbit above Miridem

May 22, 2544

0300 hours

'It was supposed to be a simple extraction mission, that's all,' Matt kept thinking as he was wheeled down the hall on a gurney. Matt was in and out of consciousness, he was in a great amount of pain and his whole world was turning black. 'Where'd it all go wrong?'

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7 hours earlier...

Location: Beta Delphi system, Pelican en route to Miridem

May 21, 2544

2000 hours

Matt was, technically speaking, the highest ranking Spartan on this mission, but he considered John to be the de facto leader.

"Ok listen up," said the Master Chief as he went over the plan during their descent to the surface. "Miridem isn't a very large colony world, but ONI has some top secret research going on there so we have to make sure the Covenant doesn't get their hands on it. We'll defend the installation until we can evacuate all the personal and data, then destroy facility with its self-destruct."

On this mission, Blue, Green, and Gray teams were going in. Matt checked his weapons and equipment once more before they landed. When he felt the Pelican make contact with the landing platform the Chief popped the hatch and Gray team swept the platform before giving the all clear. Blue and Green teams disembarked and Matt had a look around. It was the middle of winter on Miridem and all the buildings in the ONI complex were covered in a layer of snow and it was also the middle of the night. The whole base was illuminated by stadium lights positioned through the complex, the whole scene was peaceful as light snow began to fall, but soon it probably wouldn't be.

"Blue team, form up," said the Chief. "Gray team, hold the platform. Green team, I want you on the perimeter assessing our defenses."

The Spartans flashed their acknowledgment lights and Matt followed his teammates down the stairs to the road below. A Warthog was parked next to the stairs and a Corporal was waiting next to it.

"Master Chief, sir," the Marine said as he saluted. "I have orders to bring you to complex G, someone wants to see you."

John and Kelly got in the Warthog with the Corporal.

Another Warthog rolled up to carry the rest of Blue team and after driving through the snow-covered base, taking detours due to the snow banks they arrived outside a small building labeled complex G.

"This doesn't look like its big enough for a whole lab complex," Linda said to Matt over a private COM.

"You never know with ONI," Matt said to her. "Sometimes you don't need a big lab complex."

The Corporal swiped his card on the reader and the double doors opened to a small lobby. The Spartans went inside and the Marine sitting behind the desk saluted as they passed. Their escort brought them to an elevator and he punched in a code on the keypad. The doors opened and they entered the car, the lift descended only a couple of levels before coming to a stop. The Marine escorted them through the main lab complex until they came upon a big double door. Once again, he was forced to enter a code, but as the doors opened the Spartans came to a halt and were a bit surprised at who was on the other side.

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