Chapter 16: All Ghillied Up

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 16: All Ghillied Up

Location: Epsilon Eridani system, planet Earth, Outskirts of Mombasa

August 4, 2537

0500 hours 

Matt snapped his one eye open and grabbed for one of his two kukri knives and jumped to his feet, anticipating an attack. He saw a person standing in front of him and tackled him. He then put his knife against the man's throat, ready to kill the man. But he then remembered where he was. He was on a mission to assassinate a black arms dealer. They were on the outskirts of Mombasa. He looked and saw Jack under him holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"Easy Matt, it's just me. Here," he said as Matt helped him up. "I was only bringing you some foliage. Start making your ghillie suit. We move out in an hour."

"Sorry about almost killing you," Matt said.

"Hey don't mention it. It's fine. I know it's just because of the stuff I taught you," Jack replied. "Anyway like I said, start making your ghillie suit."

Matt nodded, stretched, then got to work making his ghillie suit. He reached into his bag and pulled out netting and burlap straps. He then took the burlap and wove it into the netting; then he added the foliage on top. Once he was finished making the ghillie suit. For this mission, he wasn't wearing his MJOLNIR armor. He was wearing a modified ODST uniform. It was modified to fit him since the largest size uniform didn't fit him. He put it around his uniform and started to gather his weapons. He took out his DMR and slapped a fresh clip in the rifle, then he took out his two M6 sidearms with suppressors and holstered them on his either side of his hips. He then took his kukri knives and strapped them to shoulder holsters on either side. He took out the SRS99 sniper rifle and put it on his back. He looked up when he heard Jack approaching.

"You ready to get this done?" he asked.

Matt nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be," he replied confidently.

"Good. Let's move out," Jack said.

They began walking north-northwest until they saw a shack in the distance.

"Get down," Jack said as he went prone.

They began crawling their way toward the shack until they were 10 meters away from the shack.

"Too much radiation. We'll have to go around." Jack said as he studied the area and pulled out his DMR.

Matt crouched and pulled out his own DMR.

"Follow me, and keep low," Jack said as he came out of the tall grass. "Careful.. there are pockets of radiation all over this area. If you absorb too much. You're a dead man."

They moved up to the shack and prepared to enter.

Jack held up his hand in a fist, indicating that Matt freeze.


They moved through the shack and reached the exit.

Jack stopped at the exit and said, "Contact. Enemy patrol dead ahead. Stay low and move slowly. We'll be impossible to spot in our ghillie suits."

They went prone and started to crawl their way through the grass.

"Take one out when the other's not looking," Jack said quietly.

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