Chapter 23: Complete Disclosure

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 26: Complete Disclosure

Location: Epsilon Eridani system, planet Reach, Military Reservation 01478-B

May 21, 2547

1100 hours

Matt's eyes popped open and he took a second to get a bearing on his surroundings. He was sitting crisscrossed on a rock, meditating. He enjoyed meditating in the outdoors. He felt a lot calmer when he was meditating outdoors instead of indoors. Matt got to his feet, stretched his arms and looked down at his wrist as he headed for the showers. The time said 1100 hours. Since he'd been back in the field, Matt had received two promotions. One in 2545 to the rank of Lieutenant Commander and the other on the first of the new year to the rank of Commander.

Blue team had been recalled to Reach a week ago for Section Two's decision to go public with the Spartan program to try and boost morale, for this they wanted a few Spartans for the press to drool over. So that's how they ended up back on Reach, Matt wasn't complaining though as he started to make his way back to the bunk rooms. When he arrived he found it practically empty, at the other end of the room was equipment set up for their MJOLNIR armor. There were two suits still there, one was Matt's and the other must belong to whoever was using the shower. He heard someone say "Could you hand me a towel?" He removed a towel from the rack outside the showers and went inside. Matt figured that John or Fred was inside but he wasn't prepared for this, standing in the shower was Linda, completely naked! Thankfully, she had her back to Kyle and the steam obscured most of her features, but that didn't stop Matt's face from turning as red as a tomato.

"Ahhh shit, I didn't see you there!" he said as he quickly turned away and handed her the towel.

"Thanks" she replied as she took it and wrapped it around her waist. Matt left the showers and returned to the bunk room.

"Get a hold of yourself, Matt, you didn't see much," he told himself.

"Matt?" said Linda from behind him.

He spun around and she was standing there wearing the towel, her damp, shoulder-length red hair was padded against her head and neck.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. "Your face is all red".

"Uhh... I just got back from meditating," he said. "I'm just a bit exhausted."

"What, were you sweating while meditating?" she chuckled. "Can you give me a hand with my armor?" she asked.

"Sure," Matt replied.

Linda went over to a locker and removed one of the skintight undersuits that they wore under the armor. Matt looked the other way as she removed the towel and donned the suit. Matt also changed into one then proceeded to help Linda with her armor.

"Do you really think this press release will boost morale?" she asked.

"Well up until now we've been the talk of legend, it gives people hope to know that a legend actually exists. And right now everyone could use a little hope," said Matt.

Linda pulled the chest section over her head and Matt secured the back plate, they then got the arm plates on in record time. Linda didn't put her helmet on because her hair was still damp, instead, she gave Matt a hand with his armor.

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