Chapter 90: Husband and Wife

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 90: Husband and Wife

Location: Sol system, planet Earth, Cairo Station

October 18, 2552

1700 hours

Matt was in the infirmary, his arm immobilized by the muscle regenerator slowly sending its needles into Matt's arm to repair the damage the needlers had done. Linda was with him, having just returned from the burn center, her leg patched up nicely.

When the machine was finished he looked down on his arm, only a pale scar was visible. The muscle was still a bit sore. Matt looked over at Linda, neither of them had talked since the mission.

"Commander," said one of the Doctors as he came in, "I've got your test results in. The muscle has healed nicely, but be sure to avoid anything strenuous for the next week. We don't want the bio stitches coming loose."

Matt nodded and looked over at Linda. She was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed against her chest.

"Oh, and Lord Hood wanted to speak with you, Commander," the Doctor added. He left the two Spartans alone in the room.

"Look, I'm... glad you're ok," Linda said in a distant voice.

Matt got a lump in his throat, unsure of what to say. "I'll see you later," he finally said as he left the infirmary and rode one of the trams to the office complex.

A pair of Marines stood guard outside the office of Lord Hood and Matt was forced to submit to a DNA sampling before being allowed to enter.

The office was a fairly medium-sized one, at one end was a large window overlooking Earth. In front of it was a large oak desk, standing next to his chair was Lord Hood, reading a file folder, and another one was tucked underneath it.

"Sir, reporting as ordered," Matt said as he snapped off a salute.

"At ease, Commander," Hood replied. "Good job on the mission."

"Sir, with all due respect, we weren't able to achieve the objective," said Matt. "I don't see how the mission was a 'good job'."

"It's a figure of speech, Commander," Hood replied. "You got your wounded Spartan off the ship. Not to mention enticed those Covenant uglies to bring their ship closer to the cruiser so the HORNETS could do their job."

"Thank you, sir," said Matt.

"Don't thank me yet, Spartan," said Hood as he turned his attention to the file folders. "The Doctors found something in your test results. Elevated hormone levels." He tossed the folder he was reading on the desk. "Hormones that indicate you've had sexual intercourse fairly recently," his voice was beginning to boom as he tossed the second folder on the desk. "You and Spartan-058. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. So how long has this been going on?"

"Six days, sir," Matt replied.

"That concurs with the tests," said Hood. "Commander, this relationship has to stop."

"Sir, I do not agree," Matt said.

Lord Hood didn't lash back at him for disobeying a superior officer. "Explain why not," he ordered.

"Sir, I love her. This isn't some game we're playing for fun," Matt explained. "I know the UNSC allows married couples to stay together in some cases. All I ask is the same thing for us."

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