Chapter 4: Marksman Training

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 4: Marksman Training

Location: Epsilon Eridani system, planet Reach, en route to Reach Military Base

October 22, 2519

0630 hours

Matt held on tightly as the dropship accelerated towards a military compound. Chief Mendez walked in the passenger compartment of the dropship. When Matt, he rose and saluted.

When the Chief saw him he said, "At ease number-038 and sit down. We have a lot to discuss."

He snapped off a 'Yes sir' to the Chief and sat down once again.

When he had sat down the Chief finally spoke, "Today trainee, you will be traveling to a military compound to train you to become a marksman. You will also learn how to use a sniper rifle, as well."

"Sir, may I ask why?" he asked.

"Certainly. You have very sharp and clear eyesight. This can enable you to shoot long distance targets," the Chief replied.

"Sir, is a marksman the same thing as a sniper?" he asked.

"It is similar in the fact that a marksman is more suited to staying with a squad and providing fire to medium to long range targets. A sniper, on the other hand, carries a rifle and will stay in a position to watch over his or her team from afar and provide fire from long range. Does that answer your question, trainee?" Mendez said.

Matt was silent for a moment, comprehending what he had just heard, then he spoke, "Yes sir, it does thank you."

"Your welcome," the Chief replied.

As they flew over the flat land, he looked out the window of the dropship and saw a military compound in the distance.

He asked, "Sir, who am I meeting with?"

Mendez hesitated for a split second then replied, "A marksman. He'll teach you how to become one."

"Is he good, sir?" he asked.

Mendez was silent for a moment then said, "Oh, he's more than just a good trainee. He's one of the best marksman, if not the best that the UNSC has ever had."

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Reach Military Base

30 minutes later

Lieutenant Jack 'Rabbit' Pravdin stood on top of the landing pad waiting for the incoming dropship to drop off its passenger. According to ONI, he was supposed to a Spartan to become a marksman and sniper. The Spartan's number was 038. From what Chief Petty Officer Mendez had told him, this particular Spartan had incredible eyesight, the best out of all of the 75 Spartan II candidates. A few minutes later the dropship landed and Chief Mendez and a young boy hopped out. he saw the boy's face. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the face. The boy had Lena's eyes and Tom's hair. He remembered Dusty telling him that Tom had a son and two daughters. Tom's first daughter was killed just over two years ago with a bullet hole in her forehead. Tom's other daughter was missing. No one knew where she was. Tom, Lena, Rachel, and their son Matt were all said to be killed when their house was burned down by unknown persons. There were reports of one person surviving the fire and that was a young male. The Chief and the young boy looked so much like his friend and his friend's wife walked over to him.

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