Chapter 6: Augmentation

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 6: Augmentation

Location: Epsilon Eridani system, ONI Medical Facility, in orbit around planet Reach

March 9, 2525

1130 hours

Matt was pacing up and down in his room at the ONI Medical Facility on Reach. He was wearing his black uniform which had told everyone his rank and number, petty officer 2nd class, Matt-038. The Spartans were told that something special was going to happen today but they had no idea what was going on. Finally, after a few minutes, Doctor Halsey entered the room. 

"How are you Matt?" she asked. 

"Fine Doctor," he replied.  

"Are you ready?" 

"Ready for what, ma'am?" 

"For your augmentations. Today you will become a true Spartan." 

"Ma'am, is this the final stage?"

"Yes, it is indeed. Are you ready?"

Matt closed his eyes for a brief moment, let out a breath. 'This is it. The moment of truth,' he thought. He then said, "Ready as I'll ever Doctor." 

"Excellent follow me," Doctor Halsey said and motioned Matt to follow. They walked down the hall to an elevator and took it to the medical wing, where Halsey escorted Matt to a surgical bay. 

"Put this on," she said holding a hospital gown in front of him. 

"Yes ma'am," said Matt as he took the gown and went behind a curtain and changed out his black uniform and put on his gown. He came out and handed the uniform to Halsey before he laid down on the surgical bed. 

Matt winced very slightly as the doctors inserted an IV into his arm which held a sedative inside. 

"How are you feeling?" Halsey said after a few minutes. 

"I'm fine ma'am," Matt answered groggily. "The nurse said the sedative should take effect soon. I'm fighting to see how long I can stay awake." His eyelids fluttered slightly. "It's not easy." 

Matt spotted Chief Mendez coming up behind Halsey and he struggled to sit up and raise his arm to salute the Chief but failed. "I know this has to be another one of the Chief's exercises, But I don't know what the twist is. The Chief always told me I'll win. Can you tell me, Dr. Halsey? Just time? How do I win?" 

Matt saw Chief Mendez look away as a breathing mask was put over his face and a horizonntal  laser started moving across his whole body. 

Dr. Halsey leaned down closer to Matt as he closed his eyes and started to breathe deeply. 

"I'll tell you how you win, Matt," she whispered quietly. "You have to survive." 

That was the last thing Matt heard before the sedative took effect. Before he fully he lost conisiousness, he thought 'What did Dr. Halsey mean by... I have to survive?'

Only later would Matt find what Dr. Halsey truely meant by that atatement. 

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