Chapter 87: Remission

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 87: Remission

Location: Vandenberg Base, Spartan Barracks

October 10, 2552

1501 hours

Matt was taken completely off guard when Linda suddenly kissed him. Linda finally realized what she was doing and quickly backed away.

"Linda..." he said, unable to think of anything to say to her.

"I shouldn't have done that" she replied, "I don't know what I was thinking".

"Look its... " Matt started before Linda cut him off again.

"Matt, it was totally inappropriate of me, I should know better," Linda said.

"Linda, you don't have to..."

"No, Matt!" Linda barked. "This is wrong and you and I both know it."

Linda marched off to the far end of the empty barracks and collapsed on one of the bunks. Matt was left in a daze over what just happened, he had no idea Linda had those kinds of feelings for him.

Part of him wanted to go over to Linda and perhaps try and work out what happened but the other part of him, the military part, told him that going over there would lead to Matt accepting his own feelings for Linda, and that would blossom into an inappropriate relationship between the two Spartans. In the end, he decided not to get into a sticky situation with Linda, at least not right away.

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Location: Sol system, planet Earth, South Carolina

October 11, 2552

1030 hours

"You did, what!?" Maria yelled.

"I kissed him," Linda repeated. "I just suddenly did it."

Maria leaned back in her chair, this morning when Linda arrived seeking advice on something she never imagined it was this.

"I think I always loved him," Linda confessed. "I just never realized it until now. Look, Maria, I'm not sure what to do next, I pushed myself away and now I can't stop thinking about him. It's driving me crazy."

"Look, Linda," Maria started. "I think you need to consider the possibility that this is a one-way attraction."

Linda didn't like where this was heading.

"I think Matt has feelings for someone else," Maria said.

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Location: Epsilon Eridani system, planet Reach, Military Reservation 01478-B

March 5, 2525

1900 hours

Fourteen-year-old Maria sat with the rest of the Spartans in one of the smaller briefing rooms on the base while Doctor Halsey explained their next mission.

"This will not be a combat mission like you are accustomed to," said Halsey, "and there is a very real possibility that some of you will not survive. We are going up to the orbital station tomorrow for preliminary workups of you all. Dismissed."

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