Chapter 43: Control Center

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 43: Control Center

Location: Surface of Halo

D +50:26:57 (SPARTAN-II Blue Team Mission Clock)

Matt paused just inside the hatch to ensure that they weren't being followed. He checked to make certain that his weapons were loaded, and wondered where the hell they were. Based on instructions from Cortana, Foehammer had dropped her Pelican through a hole in Halo's surface, flown the dropship through one of the enormous capillary-like maintenance tunnels that crisscrossed just below the ringworld's skin, and dropped the unlikely foursome off on a cavernous landing platform. From there the Spartans felt their way through a maze of passageways and rooms, many of which had been defended.

Now, as the Spartan duo walked the length of another corridor, Matt wondered what lay beyond the hatch ahead.

The answer was quite unexpected. The door opened to admit cold air and a sudden flurry of snowflakes. It appeared as if he was about to step out onto the deck of a footbridge. A barrier blocked some of the view, but the noncom could see traction beams that served in place of suspension cables, and the gray cliff face beyond.

"The weather patterns here seem natural, not artificial," Cortana observed thoughtfully. "I wonder if the ring's environmental systems are malfunctioning—or if the designers wanted this particular installation to have inclement weather."

"Maybe this isn't even inclement weather to them," the Chief said.

Matt, who wasn't sure it made a hell of a lot of difference, not to him anyway, stuck his nose around the edge of the hatch to see what might be waiting for them.

The answer was a Shade, with a Grunt seated at the controls. A quick glance to the right confirmed the presence of a second energy weapon, this one unmanned.

"Chief, I see two Shade turrets. One is manned by a Grunt and the other is unmanned," Matt reported.

"Take out the Grunt," the Chief ordered.

"Aye, sir."

Then, just as Matt was about to make his move, a Pelican appeared off to the left, roared over the bridge, and settled into the valley below. There was a squawk of static, followed by a grim-sounding male voice.

"This is Fireteam Zulu requesting immediate assistance from any UNSC forces. Does anyone copy? Over."

Cortana recognized the call sign as belonging to one of the units operating out of Alpha Base and made her reply. "Cortana to Fireteam Zulu. I read you. Hold position. We're on the way."

"Roger that," the voice replied. "Make it quick."

'So much for the element of surprise,' Matt thought. He stepped out of the hatch, shot the Grunt in the head, and hurried to take the alien's place on the Shade. Matt could hear the commotion the sudden attack had caused and knew he had only seconds to bring the barrel around.

Matt swiveled the weapon into position, saw the sight glow red, and pulled the trigger. A Grunt and a Jackal were snatched off their feet as the ravening energy bolts consumed not only them but a chunk of the bridge as well. All the rest of the enemy forces seemed to melt back into the woodwork.

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