Chapter 22: Secret Thoughts

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 22: Secret Thoughts

Location: UNSC Marathon, in slipspace

May 22, 2544

0330 hours

Linda had been sitting at Matt's bedside for the past 30 minutes. The crew had managed to find a chair that would support the weight of her MJOLNIR armor so she could sit down. Matt had been given a sedative shortly after the doctors wheeled him into the OR. An IV line was feeding him O negative blood. Matt was lucky compared to Cassandra, she was currently in a neutral buoyancy tank due to the extent of her injuries. Doctor Halsey said she would most likely be partially paralyzed and therefore couldn't continue active duty. Linda wasn't as concerned for Cassandra as much as she was for Matt, she watched in horror as he got stabbed by that creature then collapse. By the time she got to him and saw all the red snow around him, she thought it was too late, but Linda was relieved when Matt said her name. She had noticed a strange feeling then, she felt it before but couldn't quite describe it.

The doctors on board were about to start operating on him to replace his organs with flash cloned ones, but they noticed something and they were currently in a back lab room on the Marathon trying to figure out what they found. Doctor Halsey had been with her up until a few minutes ago when the doctors had called her back to show her what they had found.

"What have you found, Doctor Clark?" Halsey asked.

"We don't know, but it looks like his body repairing itself," said the astounded doctor.

"Did you take a blood sample?" she asked.

No, but if he—"

"Doctor Halsey!" she heard Linda cry out. "He's awake."

"I'll go ask him now," said Halsey as she left the lab and headed towards Matt's room. When she entered, she saw Linda trying to get him to lay back down.

"Don't move," Linda warned. "You're still injured."

Matt looked up and saw Halsey standing in the doorway. "Hey, doc. What's going on?"

"Nothing, but I came to ask you a few questions. If you don't mind?"

"No," Linda said. "You should be resting."

"No, it's fine. Knock yourself out, doc."

Halsey let out a breath then said, "Do you remember ever seeing anything?"

Matt's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Do you remember seeing anything in your blood, like a different color perhaps?"

Matt thought about that for a second. "I think... I think I remember seeing what looked like as silver tint in my blood, but my vision was blurry at the time so I can't tell you for certain if that's what I saw."

Halsey saw his eyelids start to flutter and knew he was about to go unconscious. She had to hurry. "Do you mind if I take a blood sample?"

"No, go for it, doc," Matt replied groggily. "But can you give me the answers after your done?"

"Of course," Halsey said as she quickly grabbed a syringe and got the blood sample she needed. While she was getting the sample, Matt passed out.

She then turned to Linda and said, "Stay with him,"

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