Chapter 10: Up Close and Personal

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 10: Up Close and Personal

Location: Chi Ceti system, Pelican, in orbit above Chi Ceti 4

November 27, 2525

2037 hours

Matt sat anxiously in the passenger compartment of the pelican. He hoped he could make it past the covenant ship's shields and get inside and he prayed to God that this plan didn't get any of the Spartans killed. Suddenly, the pelican came to stop and Sam spun around.

"Ok, John wants the missiles removed immediately and cut down for transport," he said as he opened the hatch. He, Kelly, and Fred went outside and came back a few minutes later with armfuls of missile warheads. Matt and Linda went over and helped them inside, then helped distribute the warheads to the other Spartans. When he had received his warhead, Matt strapped it to the pad on his thigh and then donned a thruster pack, grabbed an MA5B, and attached it to a slot on his pack.

"We'll only have one shot at this," said John as he came out of the cockpit. "Plot an intercept trajectory no fire your thrusters at max burn. If the target changes course you'll have to make the best guess correction on the fly. If you make it we'll regroup outside the hole if you miss we'll pick you up after we're done. And if we don't succeed, then power down your systems and wait for UNSC reinforcements to retrieve you. Live to fight another day. Don't waste your lives.

Matt went over to the rear hatch and waisted beside Linda until John showed up.

"Nervous?" John asked.

"Sort of," Linda replied.

"A little nervous," Matt answered, but in reality, he was scared shitless.

"I am too, but I don't know what we'll face either," John replied.

Matt didn't know what they were going to face, but he was ready to fight to the death and sacrifice his own life if he had to.

"Everyone ready?" John asked.

There was a chorus of 'yes sir' but Matt gave a nod and Linda gave a thumbs up.

Matt watched as John left the ship and into engaged a full burn; he followed Kelly and Linda out because he has no idea how to get in, and he didn't want to risk getting hit and blasted out of the sky. Kelly moved towards the back of the ship and managed to slip under the shields, apparently, they had diverted their field coverage of the front of the ship. Matt and Linda followed Kelly. On his descent, Matt nearly slammed into her.

"You got here fast," Linda said as the trio made their way along the hull breach. When they got there, they found Sam already waiting for them.

"I guess we wait and see if anyone else shows," Sam said.

They only had to wait a minute or two until John showed up.

"What took you so long?" Sam asked.

"I think we're the only ones that made it," said Kelly.

"Well what are we waiting for?" said Matt. "Let's go fuck up a covenant ship."

"Agreed," Linda said. "I've got our six."

John led the way through the hull breach and he collapsed on the first deck as he entered the ship's gravity field.

"Gravity?" he asked.

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