Chapter 28: Change of Plans

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 28: Change of Plans

Location: Epsilon Eridani system's edge, UNSC Pillar of Autumn

August 30, 2552

0519 hours

Something was wrong.

Matt felt it in his stomach first: a slight lateral acceleration—that became a spin strong enough that he had to brace his legs. The Pillar of Autumn was turning.

Every other Spartan in the storage bay felt it as well; they paused as they unloaded equipment from crates and readied the cryo tubes for their journey.

The lateral motion slowed and stopped. The Pillar of Autumn's engines rumbled like thunder through the hull of the ship.

Kelly approached him. "Sir? I thought we were accelerating to enter Slipspace?"

"So did I. Have Fred and Joshua continue to prep the tubes. Have Linda get a team and secure our gear. I'll find out what's going on."

"Aye, sir."

It felt strange to have anyone besides Chief Mendez and the Spartan-IIIs calling "sir". Over time, he got used to the Chief calling him "sir", but not the Spartan-IIIs. With normal military personnel, it felt surprisingly... normal.

Matt mentally took a deep breath as he turned to walk to the intercom panel. Today was his first time as a team leader. After the briefing a few days ago, John pulled him aside and had given him complete command of this mission, just like he said he would.

Matt marched toward the intercom panel. He hated being on spaceships. The lack of control was disturbing. He and the other Spartans were just extra cargo in a space battle.

He hesitated as he reached for the intercom. If Captain Keyes was involved in some tricky maneuver or engaging an enemy, the last thing he needed was an interruption.

He pressed the button. "Cortana? We've changed course. Is there a problem?"

It felt odd not to ask Crystal what the problem was. Ever since yesterday when he had been acquainted with Crystal, he felt her presence to be strangely calming and he needed that right now.

However, Cortana was the shipboard AI and Crystal was just the backup AI. And unfortunately for Matt, the Captain had Crystal's chip.

Instead of her voice, however, Captain Keyes spoke over the channel: "Captain Keyes to Spartan 038."

He replied, "Here, sir."

"There's been a change in plans," Keyes said. There was a long pause. "This will be easier to explain face-to-face. I'm on my way down to brief you. Keyes out."

Matt turned and the other Spartans snapped to their tasks. Those without specific orders checked and rechecked their weapons and assembled their combat gear.

They had all heard the Captain, however. The sound receivers in their armor could pick up a whisper at a hundred meters.

And the Spartans didn't have to be told this was trouble.

Matt clicked on the monitor near the intercom. The fore camera showed the Pillar of Autumn had indeed turned about. Reach's sun blazed in the center of the screen. They were heading back.

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