Chapter 40: Prison Break

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 40: Prison Break

Location: Covenant Ship Truth and Reconciliation

D +19:22:18 (SPARTAN-II Blue Team Mission Clock)

It was time to get off the Truth and Reconciliation. As Covenant troops ran hither and yon, the recently freed Marines armed themselves with alien weapons, then linked up with the rest of the rescue team. Keyes, Crystal, and Cortana convened a quick council of war. "While the Covenant had us locked up in here, I heard them talking about the ringworld," Keyes said, "and its destructive capabilities."

"One moment, sir," Cortana interrupted, "I'm accessing the Covenant battlenet." She paused, as her vastly powerful intrusion protocols sifted through the Covenant systems. Information systems seemed to be the one field where human technologies held their own against those of the Covenant.

Seconds later, she finished her sift of the alien data stream. "If I'm interpreting the data correctly, they believe Halo is some kind of weapon, one that possesses vast, unimaginable power."

Keyes nodded thoughtfully. "The aliens who interrogated me kept saying that 'whoever controls Halo controls the fate of the universe.' "

"Now I see," Crystal put in thoughtfully. "I intercepted a number of messages about a Covenant search team scouting for a control room. I thought they were looking for the bridge of a ship I damaged during the battle above the ring—but they must be looking for Halo's control room."

"That's bad news," Keyes responded gravely. "If Halo is a weapon, and the Covenant gains control of it, they'll use it against us. Who knows what power that would give them?

"Commander, Crystal, Chief, Cortana, I have a new mission for all of you. We need to beat the Covenant to Halo's control room."

"No offense, sir," Matt replied, "but it might be best to finish this mission before we tackle another one."

Keyes offered a tired grin. "Good point, Commander. Marines! Let's move!"

"We should head back to the shuttle bay and call for evac," Cortana said, "unless you'd like to walk home."

"No thanks," Keyes said. "I'm Navy—we prefer to ride."

The journey out of the detention area and back to the launch bay was hairy but not quite as bad as the trip in. It wasn't long before they all realized that they really could follow the trail of dead bodies back to the launch bay. Sadly, some of the dead wore Marine green, which served to remind the Matt of how many humans the Covenant had murdered since the war had begun more than twenty-five years before. Somehow, in some way, the Covenant would be made to pay.

The tactical situation was made even riskier by the Captain's condition. He didn't complain, but both Spartans could tell that Keyes was sore and weak from the Covenant interrogation. It was a struggle for him to keep up with the others.

As he was taking point, Matt signaled for the team to halt. Keyes—out of breath—favored him with a sour look, but seemed grateful for the breather.

Two minutes later, Matt was about to signal the group to move forward when a trio of Grunts scuttled into view. Needler rounds bounced from the bulkhead and angled right for him.

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