Chapter 91: Separation Anxiety

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 91: Separation Anxiety

Location: Sol system, Cairo Station, Hood's office

October 19, 2552

0700 hours

Newlyweds Matt and Linda stood in Hood's office dressed in matching fatigues. Both of them only got a couple of hours of sleep after being otherwise 'preoccupied' throughout the night. Lord Hood had called them both to his office first thing but didn't give an explanation as to why.

"At ease," Hood said to the two Spartans as he walked into his office, running late. He had one of those looks on his face like he was about to deliver some bad news. "Commander, Linda's being reassigned by ONI to Songnam. You've been transferred here."

"Can I ask why sir?" Matt asked.

"ONI knows the two of you are married... and apparently, there are certain safeguards in the Spartan program that I wasn't aware of."

He passed a paper to Matt who picked it up and read it with Linda.

ONI Directive: 270 - dated 2/28/25

Pertaining to NavSpecWep program codenamed: SPARTAN-II

The Spartan children have undergone significant mental training to suppress any emotions they might have in order to increase their combat effectiveness but one emotion takes priority above all others, love of the romantic variety. Since they were taken from a young age, the children have only a vague understanding of what love is but we cannot allow a single male or female Spartan to become attracted to a member of the opposite sex. In combat situations, we predict that a Spartan pair in love serving together in the same combat theater will risk the mission to save the other if their life should be in danger. Steps have been taken to ensure this doesn't happen.

PRIMARY MEASURE: A platinum pellet will be inserted into the Spartan's thyroids that contain human growth hormone catalyst. A simple modification will release a drug to suppress certain hormones preventing their sex drive from functioning. Although this has been proven certain in tests with chimpanzees we do expect a significant number of failures in those that survive. In that eventuality, a contingency was developed.

SECONDARY MEASURE: If a Spartan becomes attracted to another Spartan of the opposite sex and this Spartan returns the attraction both must be separated immediately, and not allowed to serve together in combat situations or otherwise. No interaction is to be allowed, correspondence included. A prolonged period of separation and possible therapy measurements would be taken until both Spartans have been absolved of these feelings. Only then could they be allowed to serve in combat situations.

Matt threw the paper down in a fit of rage. Anger boiled inside him, against ONI and their damn regulations. Linda was equally as mad.

"Admiral, you have to do something," Linda asked, "they can't get away with this".

"Believe me I'm disgusted by this as much as you," said Hood. "You two are human beings and should be treated as such. Not like programmable soldiers without feelings. I'm going to fight this but for now you two have to accept this."

"Sir, can't you overrule them?" Matt asked.

"Not when it comes to ONI," Hood replied. "NavSpecWep is out of my jurisdiction, but I intend to launch an appeal ASAP."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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