Chapter 17: One Shot, One Kill

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Author's Note: If you have any tips writing tips, please feel free to comment.

Again, I gratefully accept constructive criticism as a means to help me develop my skills further as a writer.

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Chapter 17: One Shot, One Kill

3 days later...

Location: Epsilon Eridani system, planet Earth, Mombasa

August 7, 2537

0900 hours

Captain Jack Pravdin and Lieutenant Matt Armstrong were lying prone and waiting at the top floor of the hotel. Jack was looking through a set of spotting binoculars, while Matt was assembling the SRS99 sniper rifle. After Matt had finished assembling the rifle, he set up the bipod and grabbed his own set of binoculars. Suddenly, Jack saw that the meeting was starting.

"Lieutenant Armstrong, the meeting in is underway. Enemy transport sighted entering the target area," he said as he motioned Matt to man the sniper rifle.

Matt put his binoculars away, checked the rifle for what seemed like the thousandth time to make sure it was loaded, then got behind the rifle and looked through the sniper scope. Once he put his eye to the scope, he saw the electronics inside the rifle turn on.

The electronics said:

[Target: Vladimir Zemo]

[Distance to target: 896.7m]

[Bullet travel time: 1.05s]

Matt saw a pack of vehicles, crates, and several tables. One table had assault rifles on it. A second table had shotguns on it. A third had a rocket launcher on it. A fourth had three magnums. And a fifth had a mixed assortment of assault rifles, pistols, anti-personal mines, and rocket launchers on it.

"The wind's gettin' a bit choppy," Jack said as he studied the meeting. "You can compensate for it or wait it out, but he might leave before it dies down. It's your call. Remember what I taught you. Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet's flight path. At this distance, you'll have also have to take the Coriolis Effect into account."

They saw another vehicle rolled up. It had an insurgent flag on it. Shortly after, their target appeared coming out of the vehicle that just pulled up, with a briefcase in his hands.

"Ok... I think I see him. Wait for my mark." Jack said as he started to acquire a lock on the target. "Target acquired. I have a positive I.D. on Vladimir Zemo."

Matt looked at the man he was ordered to kill and steadied his breathing.

"Steady... keep an eye on that flag," Jack said. "Watch for any change in wind speed or direction."

Zemo walked up to a set of crates, put the briefcase on it and opened it. The case was filled with gold.

The flag by the vehicle kept flapping in the wind. Matt decided to wait until the wind died down. Once the wind had died down, he prepared to fire. Unfortunately, when he was about to squeeze the trigger, a Falcon moved in front of his scope, blocking his view of the target.

"Ack, where did he come from?" Matt asked, agitated.

"Patience laddie... wait for a clear shot," Jack said.

The falcon flew away. Matt continued to aim at Zemo. Matt saw Zemo still talking with his dealers. Zemo raised his arms in frustration as if there was something wrong with the deal. Matt saw the wind die down and saw the flag gradually become still. Matt saw his chance, and maybe his last chance, to take the shot.

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