Chapter 2- It's My Time .

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*A/N almost None of the people in this story actually resemble anyone if 2Strong or anything of the sort. This is purely for entertainment purposes ! Enjoy !*

I had not long arrived at my new apartment but I was almost done unpacking the majority of my stuff. You can exactly bring much with you when you move into a one bedroom, studio apartment.

I sighed as I started unpacking the last box, which contained CDs, my stereo and speakers. I was about to hook them all up when I checked the time. It was ten thirty and I had to be at work by eleven. I decided it was better safe than sorry and that I should start heading there now. After all, it was my first day and I did want to make a good first impression.

I grabbed the leftover coffee that I had brought over from Abuela's in a tracking mug and took a sip. It was pretty much cold but it helped to ease my nerves. It made me feel like I was ready to do anything.

I got in my car and turned the key into the ignition, ready to start my day. No one was about to push me around today, I thought as I drove down the Manhattan streets. Today was my day and I was gonna kill it.

*Prince Royce's POV*

I never usually hung around with the guys at 2Strong, due to the excess of testosterone. So, naturally, when they were making a fuss over a female starting to work there, I had to check it out.

"Maybe Dre's just messing with our heads.", Suggested a guy named Omar. "What if it's really a dude?" We were all in the rec room, taking about what would happen.

"I don't see why he'd do that.", Chimed in Antonio, another guy who worked there. "I'm just excited to know its not all guys here."

Omar nudged me. "How 'bout you Royce? You must be pretty freaking excited if you came all the way down here for a new employee."

I blushed a little. So, he had guessed my motives. "Well, I just wanna give her a warm welcome.", I lied.

Omar gave me a side look and smirked. "Mhmm. You're just as excited as the rest of us."

"Bro, what if she's like one of them sexy secretaries from those pornos?", asked someone else.

I rolled my eyes as all the guys agreed with a chorus of "yeah's" and high fives.

"Shit, then I'd give her a really warm welcome.", Said Antonio with a wink.

"You all are such guys.", I stated.

Antonio gave me a "come on' type of look. "So are you. Now, come on. Don't tell me you haven't thought the same thing."

I said nothing. Sadly, he was right.

Dre entered a few minutes later. "Now, guys, the new girl is gonna be here shortly. Try not to scare her away, if you know what I mean. I highly doubt she wants to work around a bunch of perverted guys."

"We got you, Dre!", some guy yelled out. The rest of them agreed.

He eyed me. "And just 'cause you're a client doesn't mean I don't expect the same from you, Geoffrey."

I nodded, showing I understood. Dre was like a father to me.

The buzzer went off, catching his attention. "That's probably her. The rest of you guys get back to whatever you were doing.", He said before he left.

*Adrienne's POV*

Mr. Hilgado opened the doors of the warehouse for me. "You're Adrienne Munoz, right?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

He gave me a smile. "Welcome to the 2Strong family, Adrienne."

"Thank you, Mr. Hilgado.", I said as he led me inside.

"Please, call me Dre. Everyone does.", He laughed.

He led me to the receptionist's desk. "Well, I guess this is your...uh... office."

I sat down in the chair and took it all in. "What exactly do I do?", I asked.

"Take calls, answer emails, all that good stuff.", He told me.

"Seems fairly simple."

He nodded. "It is."

"I won't let you down, Dre."

"I hope not. Good luck." He began to walk away but turned around. "Oh, and watch out for the guys here. They're all a bunch if horn dogs."

I laughed. "I got this, sir."

He nodded at me, knowing he could trust me, and proceeded to walk away.

*Prince Royce's POV*

"She's here. What should we do?", asked Omar.

"Greet her, I guess. You know, just say hello and stuff."

"Yeah, but we don't wanna swarm her. It is her first day and all.", I pointed out.

Antonio peeked out from the door I the receptionist's area. Once he closed it, he turned back around with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Well?", one of the guys asked.

"She is hot.", He said simply.

"Oh, really?", asked Omar.

Antonio nodded. "Really."

"Step back, fellas. Lemme show you how a real man introduces himself.", Said Omar cockily, fixing the collar of his shirt.

"Woah, woah, woah. Who said you were going first?", asked Antonio.

"I thought it was obvious."

Omar, Antonio and the rest of the guys started bickering with each other over who would introduce themselves first. I rolled my eyes, they were a little childish sometimes.

I saw this moment as my golden opportunity. I quickly slipped out of the rec room, unnoticed, while they were preoccupied.

She was sitting at the desk, reading a magazine. She had dark reddish-brown curls that reached the middle of her back and moved with every movement she gave.

I walked up to the desk slowly. "So, I'm guessing you're the new secretary?", I asked her.

"I sure am. Need something?", she asked, still looking down at the magazine.

"Nah, I just wanted to introduce myself."

Her attention still not wavering from the article in front of her, she nodded slowly. "You work here?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you.", She said. "I'm Adrienne."

"Hey, Adrienne. I'm-"

"Prince Royce.", She said with a smirk as she finally looked up at me. She was really pretty now that I could see her face. She had warm brown eyes and her face was near perfection, except for a small scar above her eyebrow.

"Oh, so you're not surprised?"

She shook her head. "Nope. I mean I am working at your record label soooo..."

"Well, that makes sense. I'm surprised though. Most girls are usually fangirling at this point."

The corners of her mouth turned up. "Well, I'm not most girls, Mr. Rojas." And just like that she resumed all her attention back to her magazine.

"Hey, Royce!", I heard Antonio's voice yell behind me.

Him and the guys are all walking over our way but they all stop dead in their tracks once they see me talking to Adrienne.


I had to write just one more chapter for you guys. I just had to . 😚

Do you guys like it so far ? Please:

comment ❤ And tell me how you like it .

Love y'all. 😍

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