Chapter 27- Can We Talk ?

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*Prince Royce's POV*

The rest of the week in DR went by pretty fast because we were so busy with shows and various appearances. This meant two things:

One, I was tired as hell.

Two, Adrienne and I had practically no time to ourselves. So we didn't mess around or get into any other type of trouble that would otherwise make things even more weird between us.

We decided it was time to finally settle down and relax after two weeks worth of work, so I went back to Miami and Adrienne would go back to New York.

When we said quick goodbyes at the airport, which wasn't what I expected, and went on our separate planes.

Now I was sitting in my living room, scared I was gonna hurt my brain trying to squeeze a song idea out. Nothing was coming to me, which left me with the thought that maybe Adrienne might be like my muse. My inspiration.

Royce, that's crazy talk, you barely know the girl.

Yeah, I still barely know her, I realized. Buuut, I slept with her. Yep, that makes perfect sense, Royce.

I decided to take my mind off it all with a little TV. Bad idea. Flipping through the channels, I passed the channel that plays older movies and saw a movie title I recognized. How To Marry A Millionaire.

I remembered it as the Marylin Monroe movie that Adrienne said she had loved so much. Believe it or not, I actually found myself getting wrapped up in the plot of the movie. It was a comedy so I actually found myslef laughing out loud a few times.

It was funny because the character that Marylin played reminded me of Adrienne. Her character was practically blind without her glasses but insisted on not wearing them because she felt like she didn't look "chic". But in reality, with or without glasses she looked gorgeous.

It was like the little insecurities Adrienne had and the little self-image battles she fought with herself everyday but unlike the girl in the movie, no one could get through to her.

I sighed again. The fact that I couldn't shake this girl from my mind was pretty serious. Sometimes, I just wondered if I cross her mind as constantly as she crosses mine.

*Adrienne's POV*

My plane back to New York landed at about four o'clock. I was anxious to get a lot done before the day ended.

I decided to call my grandmother during the cab ride home to let her know I made it home alone alright. 

She answered within seconds. "Adrienne? You're safe and all right?"

I smiled hearing her comforting voice. "Yeah, everything is just fine. I'm on my way home. I'll come to your place in a little bit to pick up Marylin."

"Oh, that won't be necessary, nena."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you need sometime to relax on your own before you start settling back in to your routine."


"No 'buts', Adrienne. Listen, I already explained it to Marylin and she understands. Richie agreeded to let you have an extra day with her this week. Its all under control. My baby was hard at work and deserves some rest and relaxation.You went almost two weeks without seeing us, I think you can go one more day."

I could tell she was serious and it wasn't worth it to put up the argument with her but I tried anyway. "Are you sure? I'm perfectly fine with-"

'Yes, Adrienne. I'm sure. I already arranged all this. Now, take care of yourself today. Stay safe. I love you."

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