Chapter 18-El Mismo Hotel, El Mismo...Cuarto?

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"Adrienne?...Adrienne. Wake up."

Someone was shaking me. I sat upright and looked out of the window of the plane. There was no longer the never-ending baby blue color to look at and the city below me didn't look tiny and far away. I instead woke up to asphalt outside my window.

"Wait...that's it? The flights over?", I asked.

I heard a chuckle to my left and saw Prince Royce. I guess he was the one trying to wake me up. "Yeah, you slept through the whole thing. Good thing you did, because you seemed terrified the minute the plain took off."

"Did I really look that scared?" I asked him. I knew it was probably obvious, though. This was my first plane ride. Every worst case scenario was running through my head.

He nodded and smirked a little. "Yeah, you were gripping to the arm rest for dear life." He put out a hand to help me out of my seat. "Now come on, we got a hotel to get to. Puerto Rico awaits."


"¿Que?", Royce asked the hotel manager with a tone that sounded like a mixture of annoyed and surprised.

"Lo siento, Señor Rojas, pero dice aqui que hay solo un cuarto para ustedes."

Royce shook his head. "No, no tiene sentido. Habiamos reservado dos cuartos para dos personas. Adrienne y yo.", he said, gesturing to the both of us.

The hotel manager shrugged. "No hay nada mas que puedo hacer."

I decided to step in. "No hay otros cuartos libres?"

The manager shook his head. "Lo siento por el malentendido."

Royce sighed impatiently. "Puede darme las llaves?", he asked, clearly done with this conversation. He was handed the keys and started to walk toward the elevator. "This is what happens when I dont do things myself.", I heard him mumble.

*Prince Royce's POV*

Great, I bet Adrienne thinks I'm some type of creep who arranged for us to be in the same hotel room together.

"Everything okay?", she asked me as the elevator started to go up. She didn't seem all too phased about the situation, so I guess she didn't suspect anything.

I sighed.  "Other than the hotel messing up or reservations?  Yep."

"They should get their shit together. ", concluded Adrienne. The elevator gave one last jolt and the doors opened.

I unlocked the doors to our one room.  

"Well, at least theres two beds.", she pointed out. I could tell she was trying to  cheer me up.

I sighed as I threw my stuff down and Adrienne was busy rummaging through her stuff. 

"Looking for anything in particular? ", I asked her curiously.

"My camera.", she answered, then she pointed out to the balcony. "The sunset's beautiful right now. Don't ya think?"

I looked outside and I has to admit that she was right. "'s breathtaking."

She pulled a camera out from one of her bags. It wasn't some tiny little digital camera like I expected. It was one of those offical photographer-type cameras. I didn't know if there was a technical term for them but you know what I mean. It was obvious that photography was something she took seriously.

"You a professional?", I asked.

She looked down at her camera and sighed. "I wish...", she said quietly. "I'm from the Bronx, though. We don't get a lot of opportunities to make something of ourselves, ya know?"

I nodded. I understood exactly what she was trying to say. "But I'm from the Bronx and look at me.", I pointed out as I followed her out to the balcony.

She smiled a little and adjusted the lense before holding it up to her eye. "Yeah, but you had people supporting you.", the shutter of the camera sounded twice and she seemed satisfied with the shots she took.

"So, is it like a career you would do or something?"

"What? Taking pictures for a living? Hell yeah. But you can't provide for a kid on a photographer's salary."

I knew she had a point. "I'm sure if you got high enough acclaim and had your own shop..."

She sat down on her bed and set her camera down next to her. "Yeah...that would be nice." She checked the time and the daydreamer-like look was erased from her eyes. "Its half past five... don't we got that dinner-thingy to go to at six thirty?"

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that." I went back over to my bags to find the tux that I had been planning to wear.

"What's it for anyway?"

"I dunno. Press, I guess.", I motioned toward the bathroom. "Ladies first?"

Adrienne laughed as she shook her head. "Nah, I suggest you go first. I think its gonna take me more than a few minutes to get ready." 


I laughed to myslef a bit as a scrolled through Twitter and looked at all the tweets my fans sent me, begging for a selfie.

May as well give 'em what they want, I thought.

I was in that awkward "I'm taking a selfie" position once Adrienne emerged from the bathroom. She started to laugh.

"What are you doing? ", she asked.

"Obviously taking a picture.", I said with a laugh. 

She smirked and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just make sure I'm not in it."

I pointed my phone to her. "Why not?  Camera shy?"

She covered her face with her hand. "Just a little."

Putting my phone in my pocket, I held up my hands in false surrender. "All weapons are away."

"Good 'cause I don't take pictures."

"I can tell.", I laughed. "Who woulda thought... a camera-shy photographer."

She shrugged. "Shit happens."

"Imma get you to take a picture one day."

"Keep on trying, Royce. But don't push your luck because you aren't getting one any time soon."

And with that, she left the room to go downstairs, leaving me to think about why any girl who looked like her would be too scared to take a picture.


sorry if this chapter sucked guys :/

but, hey, they're finally in Puerto Rico. can you guys let me know what you think'll go down ?

please vote & comment ♡

love yall ♥♥

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