Chapter 43- Help

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"We should check out Royce's new single. Doesn't it release today?", asked Omar. Him and the rest of the guys were all chilling in the lobby as I sat at my desk, still doing my job.

        I cleared my throat quietly to make sure they realized I was still in the room.

        He looked over at my direction. "But, maybe I'll check it out when I get home."

        Antonio eyed me and got up to come sit in front of me, while the rest of the guys went on to talk about something else. "Everything okay?

         I shook my head. "Nope."

"Is it something I can fix?"

"Unless you can go back in time and stop me from breaking up with Royce, I doubt it."

"Adrienne, like I said, you can't keep on running from your problems."

        I sighed. "Fine then. Play the stupid song then."

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have been saying that a week ago." he noted. I knew he was right, but I chose not to say anything.

        He got up. "I don't think you're going to get anywhere with the way you're dealing with this right now." He went to go rejoin everyone else.

        I sighed as the guys pulled up the song and it started to play. It started out with this little reggae-ukulele fusion type thing and I realized I had never heard this song before. Really ? He couldn't even tell me all the songs on his album now? Okay...

                                                                *Third Person POV*

           Omar kept on glancing over in Adrienne's direction as Royce's song played throughout the lobby.

        "Make sure Adrienne hears the song.Tell her everything okay?", He remembered Royce pleading when he stopped by earlier that morning. "Tell her I wrote it for her."

        Antonio looked from Omar to Adrienne with concern. "I don't think she cares.", he said in a low voice, his eyes now on Adrienne to make sure she didn't overhear.

        Si el mundo fuera mio te lo daría

        Hasta mi religión la cambiaría

        Antonio was right. Adrienne didn't show the least bit of concern as Royce's voice sounded around them.

        Por ti hay tantas cosas que yo haría

        Pero tu no me das ni las noticias

        The song ran through the bridge and chorus one more time, through none of which Adrienne so much as raised an eyebrow. Things weren't looking good for Royce...she was pretty stubborn. Antonio sighed. Why was he even involved in this anyway? If he never broke up with her, there was a good chance they could've still been together today. He wouldn't have to try and work everything in Royce's favor. But he wouldn't just take back everything. Antonio may have been a lot of things but the one thing he definitely wasn't was a man who went back on his word.

        ...quiero que no te falte nada...

        The song ended and Antonio shot Omar a look that said "I'll tell her instead" and Omar seemed pretty grateful. He couldn't talk to Adrienne like Antonio could.  Antonio went back over to Adrienne's desk as everyone else discussed their opinions on Royce's new song.

"You still doing okay?"

"Practically the same as I felt five minutes ago..." She gave him a look. "Why? What's up with you?"

        He shrugged. "You're acting like I can't make sure you're alright." He liked to make sure she was okay anyway, whether Royce was involved or not, he watched over her.

"Look, I know you're expecting me to say something about the song. Lower your expectations."

"Adrienne...he wrote that about you..."

"Do you want to get rid of me that bad?", she asked. "So you're trying to set me and Royce back up."

"No, Adrienne. I think you're going about things all wrong."

        She crossed her arms. "If he wrote it for me, why didn't  he tell me?"

"I don't know...maybe he didn't want you to feel like you had to like it...", offered Antonio.

"No, like, I thought I heard all the songs on his album until now. He hid it from me, basically."

"He obviously had a reason, Adrienne. We can't shoot the guy down for every little thing he does."

        Adrienne was quiet for what seemed like forever. 'Are we done with the questions now?"

        Antonio put his hands up in surrender. "I give up."

        She sighed as she got up. "I should get going now.", she said, gathering her things.

        Antonio slumped down in his chair. It looked like the only thing he managed to acheive was pissing her off. 

"Oh, but let him know I liked it. It was sweet."she said quickly before turning to leave. 'Just don't give him any ideas."

                                                                *Adrienne's POV*

        Now that I was single again for the first time in months, and Marylin wanted to spend the night at my grandmothers house, I honestly had nothing to do. It was sad that I needed to have someone with me to depend on my happiness...and just maybe my sanity, but I had no idea what to do with myself.

        That night I made two new best friends: food and sleep.

        I was dozing off when I heard my phone vibrate on the table. I didn't feel like getting up to get my phone but I figured I had too since it could've been Abuela texting me about Marylin or something. I unlocked my phone, but my heart sunk when I saw the text came from an unsaved number. The only unsaved number on my phone.

                                           I need your help.

        It was probably one of the most vague texts I'd ever gotten, I could've meant a million and one different things.

        I sighed as I tried to figure out what to say...or whether I should even reply at all. Why would Prince Royce, the guy who basically had everythung he needed at his finger tips, need my help? He didn't need me. I didn't need him. That's how it was supposed to work after a breakup. At least that's how I wanted it to work, I couldn't help if things didn't turn out that way...

________                            ________                        _______                        ______                        ______

hello there (:

hmm, so what's up with Royce ? better yet, what's up wit Adrienne ? can you say mixed emotions or nah ?

please vote & comment !

love y'all <3

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