Chapter 49- It's a Pleasure to Meet You.

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I have no idea how I managed to get this, she's camera shy, and I don't know why I'm doing this. I never do things like this. She's special., read the caption on Royce's Instagram photo.

        It was me in that picture, alright. You couldn't see my face but if you knew me well enough, you'd know that was definitely me. Those were my manicured hands trying to shield myself from Royce's camera.

        I had no idea what the hell was going on. I sat there on my grandmother's couch, brushing Marylin's hair, fighting with myself. My grandmother walked into the living room. "You haven't said more than a few words since you've got here, Adrienne.", she pointed out, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"What's up with you?"

        I shrugged. "Nothing much." I finished brushing Marylin's hair and began to work on braiding it.

        Abuela sat down. "You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Is everything okay, mommy?", asked Marylin, speaking up.

"Yeah, everything's fine.", I assured her quickly.

        My grandmother eyed me suspiciously with a look that said we'll settle this later. Marylin yawned quietly. "Marylin, sweetie, tienes sueño?", asked Abuela. 

        Marylin shook her head. "No." Another yawn.

"I'll tell you what, why don't I give you a bath and get you ready for bed? I think your mommy has some things she wants to take care of." said Abuela, giving me another look. They left the room, leaving me to make up my mind.

          I felt like I needed to go talk to him but at the same time I really wasn't up for that. I looked at his post again. I had no idea what he was trying to get at with any of this. I had only known him personally for a little less than a year, but this had been one of the longest years of my life. Being with him changed a lot...I just wasn't too sure if he changed my life for the better or not. Here he was, becoming a bigger star and pursuing his dreams and here I was, a young mom from the Bronx. A high school drop-out who wold probably never make a career for herself. Royce was a really private guy and I still had no idea why he was basically risking his personal life, his image, for me. I didn't think I was worth it.

        My grandmother appeared in the hallway sometime later. "She wants you to tuck her in.", she said referring to Marylin. "I think we need to talk.", she added.

        I sighed. "Everything is okay.", I assured her again.

        She crossed her arms as I walked past. "We still need to talk.", she repeated, not sounding too convinced.

        I figured it was no use trying to disagree with her at this point. My grandmother was just as stubborn as I was, I went to go check on Marylin, where she was patiently sitting, waiting on me.

        She looked up once she noticed I was there. "Mommy?"

"Are you doing alright, Marylin?"

        She nodded and was quiet for a while. "Is she mad at you?"


"Bisabuela.", she answered.

"Mad at me? No. I don't think so. She just wants me to be happy."

        She thought for a minute. She was only three, going to be four at the end of the month, but I've always thought of her a little beyond her years. I realized she wasn't a baby anymore, she was growing up. It seemed like just yesterday, I was bringing her home from the hospital. Getting pregnant that young wasn't necessarily acceptable but at the end if it all I was still a mother. "I want you to be happy should it pretend to be mad too?", she asked innocently.

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